Chapter 32: Broken Stars

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Hi everyone!!  SK here.

Sorry for the late update, I was super busy this weekend!!  

I'll start the chapter now.  I hope you all enjoy it! :)



My heart jolts as Lillie lets out a piercing scream.  I try to grab her before she does something to hurt herself, but with the room being so dark it's hard to spot her.  Luckily, the glow of our wings creates a small bit of light.  I reach her and mutter a protective spell, but it only succeeds in calming her down slightly.  I look up to the sky, but I can't see anything.  Not stars, and definitely not the moon.  

I turn to Heliux.  "Heliux, we should do a che-"

I am greeted with an unexpected sight.  Heliux, lying on the floor unconscious, with a trickle of blood coming out of his mouth.


Mallow takes over Lillie's care as I stumble towards Heliux.  I try to heal the blood but somehow it won't go away.  I don't even register that Ash and Layra are in the room; while Ash crouches beside me, Layra doesn't.  I'm confused to why she isn't reacting.  Maybe this is just something that happens every once and a while and isn't a big deal, I try convincing myself, but it doesn't seem to work.

"Heliux," I call, gently shaking his shoulders.  He gives no response, other than his hair slightly swaying as he is shaken back and forth.

I feel tears come to my eyes as I try it again.  "Heliux, come on, this isn't funny," I say, shaking him with more force.  I don't even know why I said those words... Heliux isn't the type of person to joke around at dire times like this, he isn't the type of person to joke around at allLita, what is wrong with him?

I glance at my Necklace; it seems the spirits are choosing silence now.

I lean my ear against his chest, the fluffy layers of his jabot tickling me slightly as I do so.  I pray to hear anything, anything at all...

But it's no use.  I don't hear anything.

Tears start pouring from me as Ash pulls me close to him, hugging me close.  "Serena, he's fine," he says.  "He's immortal, remember?  He can't be dead."

"Then how has his heart stopped beating...?" I whimper.  

"We need Heliux!" exclaims Mallow, her eyes wide with worry.  "What will we do without him?"

I don't know.

I take a deep breath and stand up, gathering my control.  I have to be strong for all of the Light Fairies during this time.  I tearfully tear my gaze away from Heliux... he will have to wait for another time.  

Brock comes up to me and takes a spot beside Heliux.  Ash pulls me up, trying to reassure me.  I'm about to object when I remember that as Advisor, Brock has access to a greater variety of healing spells.  I force myself to calm down; if anyone can sort this out, it's Brock.

I feel something wrap around my arm, and with a small smile of relief I realize that it is Sylveon.  I can't believe I didn't see her sooner.  Her touch fills me with extra confidence, and I'm about to announce our plan when some fairies burst into the room.  

It's Bonnie and Max, and they both look bewildered.  "You asked for me, Serena?" Max checks.

I smile.  "I need you to stay here.  It's... an emergency."  I don't want to say the true extent of what is going on, not yet.  "You'll be safe here."

The Fairy's Cure: FD 1 (Amourshipping) ||Complete||حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن