Chapter 41: Beyond The Future

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Hi everyone!!  SK here.

Yes this is the final chapter... I know.  

So for once I won't talk a lot here.  Let's just begin.  I hope you enjoy it!


"We did it," I repeat, letting the words sink in  I hear cheers echo out from beside us, from all the wonderful people who got to keep their lives today.  "We did... but not all of it."

Ash looks confused.  "What do you mean?"

"The balance is reset," Heliux says, and we both turn.  He's slowly standing up, with Layra to help him.  "But someone still needs to repair the damage."

"I'll do it," I say.  Who else can?  "But can I do it all?"

"You can't," Layra answers, then points.  "But together, you can."

I turn towards where she's pointing, and to my astonishment I see Xerneas standing there.  "Xerneas... you came after all!" I say happily.  "You must've brought Braixen back to me... so thank you."  I step up to the Pokemon and bow my head.  "Thank you so much, Xerneas.  But if you wouldn't mind, I need one more thing of you."

Xerneas nods, seeming to understand.  It moves to give me room to get onto its back.  I look towards the sky, where the stars are slowly starting to fade away- not because of Drago, but because dawn is coming.  And we need the sun for that.

"We need to go up, Xerneas," I say.  "We can do it."

Xerneas lets out a might cry as I look towards Ash.  He nods at me, determination in his eyes.  It rubs off on me, and I feel it fill my soul.  One last thing.  You can do this.

Xerneas leaps off the ground, and using its mysterious magic, begins to climb higher and higher towards the sky.  The farther we go, the more of Drago's Destruction I see.  I see vast forests burnt to crisp, with now-homeless surviving Pokemon shivering in the cold.  I see molten rock and lava flowing over various land masses; there are definitely no survivors there.  I look up, and the sky's icy black is drawing nearer.  The closer we get, I can see the stars beginning to glow again, galaxies beginning to come back into existence.   If I look closely, I can see the familiar shapes of some beloved Pokemon...

We reach the sky, and pause for a moment.  I look at my fingers, then hold them up to the sky.  I brush them against it, marveling at its icy touch and warm feeling.  It feels marvelous.  I do it again, smiling as I do so; I'm touching the sky.  The real sky.

I am wistful for a second.  If someone had told me a couple years ago that I would be the Queen of a group of fairies, I would have scoffed at them with disbelief.  Now I am here, trying to save the universe.

How did I get here?

Xerneas nods its head at me, and I realize with a jolt that I've been wasting time.  I summon my power and the Legendary Pokemon sends me some of its energy to boost my power.  My hand is alight with blue flame.  I brush it against the sky, and a blue burst of energy ripples out from my touch.  I see the blast continue outwards, beyond the places that I can go, and I soon see a faint glow from the distance, getting brighter and brighter.  I smile.  Welcome back, Sun.

I gesture for Xerneas to go downwards, and we float down back towards the earth.  On the way down, I see our magic work its power; forests return to life, and the lava fades away to the cities and towns that were there before it.  I don't see much people or Pokemon, but I hope that the magic reverses their deaths as well.

We approach the ground and I see everyone waiting for us.  I hop off of Xerneas's back, and I am greeted with hugs from everyone.

"You did it!" they cheer.

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