Chapter 7: The Start of a New Journey

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Hi everyone!!  SK here.

After Ash's choice, I'm sure you've all been waiting for the next chapter- well, good news, because here it is!!  This should be the start of weekly updates for this book again, yay!!  

Also.  I just realized that if I was faster with updates, I could have lined these parts up with Ash's actual birthday (because it is the day before his birthday in this part).  This will be one of my regrets in life lol.

Anyway, this chapter has a lot of stuff happening in it, so I won't waste time talking before the chapter.

I hope you enjoy it!!


I wake up to the beeping of my alarm clock.  I groan, pushing the button to silence it.  Thankfully I don't wake up anyone else, because Clemont is sleeping downstairs and my mom had her own room to sleep in.  It's about 7:00 AM, bright and early.  The truth is, I don't want anybody to see me before I leave.  I know that I won't be able to make it out of that door if that were to happen.

I roll out of bed and change into my clothes.  I put my trusty red cap on my head, giving one last smile at the mirror.  Since the sun has risen already I'm able to see around my room without turning the lights on.  However, before I grab my backpack, there is something I need to do.  I take a look at all of my PokeBalls, the ones I had collected during Kalos specifically.  Hawlucha.  Noivern.  Talonflame.  Greninja.  I know Goodra is somewhere far away in the wetlands, but he isn't what I'm thinking about now.  Serena said bring one Pokemon... but I know in my heart I can't just bring one.  I have to bring Pikachu, but I also want to bring Greninja as well; something tells me that I'll need him one day.  Gingerly, I pick up his PokeBall, along with Pikachu's.  I slowly and gently wake up my partner, who instantly recognizes what is happening.  Without putting up any kind resistance he allows me to return him inside his Pokeball; that alone is odd, but I suppose that he recognizes what the situation is.  I slip the two of them on my belt, then grab my backpack and the letter.  

I'm about to leave my room when I pause.  I turn back and gaze at the place where I grew up, my home for the first almost twenty years of my life.  I mean, my birthday is tomorrow, so I'm technically not twenty.  But still, it's sad leaving the place that you've called home for the longest time.  Giving a regretful smile, I gently close the door behind me.  I hope someone will keep my belongings safe after I'm gone, or give them to someone that needs them.  I won't be needing them anymore.

I tip-toe down the stairs because I know that Clemont is still sleeping.  I walk over the kitchen and leave the letter on the counter.  It's very vague, because even I know that fairies are supposed to be kept a secret, but it explains a little bit of the reason why I'm leaving.  Looking back at it, I realize that it might look like a suicide note, but now that I think about it, my previous self is now dying.  My life is going to be different from now on... I'm going to be different from now on.

Well, that's a lie.  I've changed since the very day Serena "died".

I feel tears come to my eyes as I slip out the backdoor of my house- now my old house.  I look at it, and before I know what I'm doing, I run out to the hill at the edge of town.  I stand on top of it, looking down at the place that I've known to be home for the entirety of my life.  I then turn my head and look at the forest, my home for many years to come.  Before I know it, I start to cry, I can't help myself.  I know I shouldn't be crying; sure, what I'm doing is very heart wrenching, but I at least get to see Serena again.  I get to see all of my old friends- my other family.  

And with that thought, I finally walk towards the forest.

When I become fully surrounded in the greenery, it's final for me.  I've crossed the point of no-return.  I'm doing this.  I'm doing this, I tell myself, trying to remain hopeful about my choice.  However, when I reach the tree where I met Serena yesterday, I begin to have doubts.  We didn't arrange a time... what if I'm waiting here forever and someone finds me?  What if someone finds Serena?  What if someone finds us?

The Fairy's Cure: FD 1 (Amourshipping) ||Complete||Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat