Chapter 25: Immortally Together

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Hi everyone!!  SK here.

First off, this book somehow has 2K reads????  All I can say is thank you.  I hadn't expected to get this far, and I hope the book's popularity will grow even larger as I continue to update chapters.

For a little change in pace, this chapter will be centered around another duo in this book- I wonder, who could they be?  The chapter title is a hint.  Or you could just scroll down and see haha.

Anyway, let's start!  Please enjoy :)


I travel far from the colony, discourse brewing in my mind.  Tension forces its way through every bone in my body, the fight with Serena still a fresh thought.  As much as I want less death, less of that horrible darkness descending upon us at every second, I cannot think of a way that it can be done without putting her very self in danger.

I shake my head, focusing myself.  The drawing Her Lightness chose for me rests in my left palm, my fingers latched onto it never letting go.  Finally, finally.  I have my tiny hours of happiness.

I travel closer to our usual meeting spot, a place that is rarely visited by other fairies, Dark or Light alike.  Nervousness arises within me.  Will she like my present?  I gift her the same thing every century we meet, and she's always liked it before, but what if she's gotten bored?  This has been going on for millenniums now.  

I forge ahead.  Discourse or uncertainty are two things I cannot and should not feel now now.  Not now, not with the only time in my life where I feel joy.

My hands start to tremble as I reach our special place, and I wince at my obvious sign of weakness, my insecurity.  I put my hand on the bark, tracing the grain with my fingers.  I smile slightly.  Perhaps I will sketch this someday.  The lines twist and turn, coming apart but always returning together.  My thoughts ease, slightly.  This is just like me and-


My heart skips a beat as I slowly turn, and I am greeted with the face of my truest love.  For a moment all I can do is stare, to gaze upon the beauty that she is.  Despite her being a Dark fairy she has more lightness in her soul than I do.

"Layra," I whisper, and I become lost in her eyes.  Big, amethyst circles of infinite possibilities, and an immortal spirit that will never leave her.

And suddenly we're running, running as rapid as a sunbeam that peaks out at dawn, and she's in my arms, I'm in hers, and we're together, truly, truly, together.  I hug her close and tell myself that she's here, I'm here, and we're here together.

And for these mere seconds in my infinite lifetime, this is enough.

We let go of each other, and she speaks.  "What happened, Love?  You look upset."

I sigh.  "I just had an argument with Her Lightness about... your Leader."

Layra gestures for us to sit, and we sit down on the soft-as-dew grass.  "You mean Rin- well, you know who I mean."

I shake my head, realizing the name on her tongue must be a habit.  "No, your other Leader... Ash."

Layra's eyes widen.  "Ash?  What about him?"  So he IS the second Leader.

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