"Would you stop? "

"But why? I'm enjoying myself"

"Damn your calm nature" Bulma cursed. "Why are you so calm when you're from a warrior race"

Sarada shrugged. "Could you even imagine me any other way? "

"No, not really. I prefer the calm you even thought you can be a lot annoying"

"You don't mean that"

Bulma sighed. "Naturally I don't and that sucks because I can't stay mad at you when I want to stay mad at you. It's not fair"

"Nothing is fair" Sarada said. "But that revelation works in my favor. "

"I guess the same goes for me. You obviously don't want to admit it, but you can never stay mad at me"

"True" Sarada sipped on her milkshake as she eyed her mother who was in a casual conversation with Panchy. She was obviously ignoring Bardock. He went too far with the teasing apparently. He didn't seem very happy with his treatment, but remained quiet, knowing that it was his fault and there was nothing he could do. Gine can be very stubborn.

"I wonder" Sarada suddenly said. "If we were to somehow come up with some miraculous way to produce a biological child, who would carry it, if it would be a possibility "

"Where did that question even come from? "

"Watching my mother and now I'm curious. "

"When are you not curious? "

"You should ask yourself the same question"

"I suppose"

"So who do you think would be the "mother" in said situation "

"Me most likely. I seriously can't imagine you carrying a child. The thought is absurd"

"I don't know if I should be offended or not" it's hard to decide sometimes. "But I do agree" Sarada continued to eye her mother. "If we were to have a kid it would most likely be a girl due to the lack of Y chromosome"

"Still, why are we suddenly talking about this? "

"Curiosity and interest" Sarada said as she toyed with her straw. She'll have to return to an old project soon. She wondered if the child would inherit her abilities. Would she have all the bloodlines she had collected and also have have ability to assimilate bloodlines as well? An interesting thought. Another thing to think about at night.

"Want to go out? "

"Where to? "

"I don't really know"

"Do you still wish to train under Roshi? "

"Not sure, you could teach me the Kamehameha wave, can't you? "


Bulma hummed. "I lost interest in the old pervert"

"Well, he's not old anymore" Sarada grinned.

"He should get a taste of his own medicine"

At that sentence Sarada adopted a broad smile. If only master Roshi could get a taste of his own medicine indeed. It would be quite entertaining to watch someone of equal perversion fuss over him. Very entertaining. Sarada chuckled as she stood.

"Bulma I like the way you think, let's go"

Bulma stood and followed after Sarada even though she was slightly confused. That confusion was short lived because she suddenly realized what Sarada was thinking and she too chuckled.

Breaking Limits: A DBZ Fan-ficWhere stories live. Discover now