The dragon outright laughed. The action shook everyone to their core. Dragons always have a weird affect on people when they speak.

"Is there a wish you want granted? "

"I'm not sure. I mostly just want to know what you are capable of" Sarada said and adopted a look of thought. "Is it within your power to create a planet? "


"Can you make a planet habitable ? "


"Can you bring back an entire race? "


Sarada hummed. "Can you add another planet to the solar system without messing with the balance? "

"That is a trick question"

Sarada smiled. "Oh yes it was, very good"

"Thank you"

"Alright, you're powerful and I'm happy" Sarada said. "What are the rules"

"Negative wishes have a cost. I must use the vitality of the wisher to grant said wish"

"And? "

"A negative wish takes up all five wishes and I cannot be summoned by the person who had their negative wish granted ever again"

"Good, general rules"

"To grant any normal wish I am free to use the energy of the earth, that is if the energy is enough to power said wish. "

Sarada nodded again with a proud look on her face. She looked back up at her dragon. She didn't really need anything at the moment. Most of her wishes involved planets and bringing saiyans and such back. At the moment there was no need for that. She stared up at her dragon before deciding she had no need for a wish at the moment.

Her eyes landed on the old Kami for a moment and she got an idea. She grinned.

"Genryuu, I have one wish"

"What is it? "

"Grant Kami and his other half eternal youth along with a boost in power. Along 30 times seems sufficient enough"

Kami looked at the girl shocked. If she did that, then his other half would also be granted eternal youth and he would also be stronger. What if he escapes? He would be that more dangerous. Sarada knew this, so why would she make such a wish?

"Sarada, that's dangerous"

"Not as dangerous as you think. It is only 30 times. " Sarada shrugged. "That would put you at a power level of 9000" Sarada seemed thoughtful after she said that. That seems low. She looked back to the old man. "Make it 40 Genryuu"

"Are you trying to make two wishes one? "Genryuu asked with amusement.

"What? No, of course not" Sarada frowned and pretended to be hurt. Bulma sighed. That was a big fat lie.

"I'll let it pass,you're my creator after all"

With that the dragon's eyes glowed a brighter red as he granted the wish. He did as his creator had told him and used ki from the earth to power the wish. It was more than enough, but Sarada would have to supply it with more ki soon.

Next to them there was a white light surrounding Kami as Genryuu used his power. Kami looked shocked as his wrinkles started to fade. His pink patches became brighter. His green skin lighter. When the light faded there he stood, a young Kami.

"I-I feel so... So strong"

"Yup, a power level of 12.000 would do that to ya" Sarada patted the namekian on the back.

Breaking Limits: A DBZ Fan-ficWhere stories live. Discover now