"Absorb it? "

"Yes, make that energy your own. That solves your problem and give you a boost in power for the moment "

Bulma nodded and did as instructed. She focused on absorbing the energy. Pulling it into herself. Making it her own

King Kai stood next to his car watching. The girl had learned fast. He shouldn't be surprised. She was a saiyan and a genius. It would be odd if she did not learn it as soon as she did. She absorbed the collected energy with seeming ease. She learns very quick. It's time to move on to his next technique. Kaio-ken. He had a feeling she would go past times ten despite his warning. He won't even try to stop her. Sarada didn't listen. He doubt Bulma will.

Bulma came barreling towards Sarada the minute she got rid of the spirit bomb. The two collided and tumbled around. Sarada was laughing while Bulma tried very hard to injure her for being such a tease. Of course she could not because Sarada was stronger than her and easily stopped anything she tried to do.

"That wasn't very nice Bulma" Sarada scolded as she straddled the girl. She ended up on top in the end and Bulma seemed annoyed by that. One day she'll overpower the proud saiyan.

"That's what you get"

Sarada chuckled. "I was just having fun, why is that so bad? Am I not allowed to have fun? Some girlfriend you are "

"Oh shut up" Bulma groaned and pushed Sarada off her. Sarada landed on her back and made no move to get up. "What were you thinking about while you watched?"

"Lots of things" Sarada said. "Mainly mom"

"You'll have a baby sibling soon" Bulma said with a smile and poked Sarada in the side.

"Yeah, I hope its a girl"

"You'll put her through torturous training like you did Kakarot"

"It helped him grow, did it not? " Sarada gazed at the clouds. "Besides we'll have senzu now"

"You have an odd way of caring for your family "

"I'm only making them stronger so they can counter anything that happens in the future. That is my way of protecting my family. I don't care if it's odd or that it seems a bit cruel. What matters is that they are strong enough to protect themselves "

Bulma hummed. That was something she already knew about Sarada. She spent most of her life with her after all. It was no surprise. It's always nice to hear her talk about her goals. She puts away her cryptic nature for a moment when she does.

"You'll see that through to the end, won't you? "

"Of course I will. Who do you think I am? "

"You're an idiot"

"Why do you always call me an idiot? " Sarada questioned with a genuine look of confusion and curiosity.

"Because you are sometimes" Bulma shrugged and Sarada grumbled. "Well, at least you're my idiot"

"What a honor " Sarada said sarcastically.


Everything hurt. Krillin regretted everything. He never should have challenged Kakarot to a fight. He knew he was strong. He was warned against it by Kakarot himself. Did he listen? Of course not. Those warnings bounced right off his bald head. Now he was lying on the hot sand, in pain. Life sucked sometimes. He had gotten stronger but it was nothing compared to Kakarot or even Chichi. It was because they trained in that gravity machine. He tried once, but he gave up once he felt how strong just twice the gravity was.

Breaking Limits: A DBZ Fan-ficWhere stories live. Discover now