D10 Female - Mira Matthews [trix463] Task 1

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"Of course Mira. Thank you so much, you are the best friend ever,"Amy her face grateful. "You too Amy,"I reply,hugging her tighter.

"Ring!!!!"the bell began ringing and we both jumped up in surprise. I glanced at Amy a few moments later and then we began laughing. The bell was to signal that we had to leave for the reaping in five minutes.

"Mira,Mira!"I heard a voice shout  frantically. I recognised that voice,it was my eight year old brother, Matthew's. Soon, Matthew burst into the room with tears in his eyes. He flung himself at me and I gave him a hug.

"What's wrong Matthew?"I asked worriedly."I....I dreamt that you were in the games and.... and someone stabbed you in the stomach and you... you bled to death,"Matthew said,beginning to cry.

"Hey,hey don't worry Matthew,it will never happen,I won't even be chosen,"I said confidently, trying to convince him and myself of the fact. "Really?"Matthew asked,his face hopeful.

"Of course Matthew, why would I lie to you?"I asked. "That's great!"Matthew said, clearly relieved. "I have to go to the reaping now,I don't want to be late. Go to your room Matthew,"I said,using my do what I say voice. Matthew nodded and headed off,whistling a tune.

"You shouldn't say that,you could still be picked you know,"Amy said,looking at me with disapproval. Laughing, I said,"my name is only in there about twenty-five times,which is pretty low compared to the thousands slips. Also,there are people whose names are put on there a hundred plus times. There is a low chance of me being picked."

"I guess,"Amy replied,sounding worried and I knew she was thinking that she would be picked. "Don't worry Amy,you'all be fine,now let's go to the reaping,"I say as I walked towards the door.


"Welcome to the reaping of this year's hunger games! For those of you who don't know,I am your escort, Catryna Valin!"Catryna said, smiling widely.

She was just like any typical crazy Capitol citizen. Her hair was bright orange this year and it looked like she was wearing a pumpkin hat. Her outfit was bright orange and my eyes had to adjust to her look when I first saw her.

She looked like the afternoon sun,glowing brightly.

"Okay,as usual,the video!"Catryna exclaimed,smiling brightly.The same old video played again. The video was utterly ridiculous. How is it logical for us to still have this games for the mistake our ancestors made ages ago? Also,in exchange for us working, the Capitol gave us order? More like fear!

I shook my head,quelling the urge to run up to the stage and shouting out my thoughts. It would not be wise and I'll just end up being punished.

"Now for the highlight of the evening,the reaping! Now I shall choose two lucky tributes to join this year's hunger games! Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favour,"Catryna said,smiling brightly.

Lucky? I thought to myself bitterly. The hunger games were a nightmare, I heard that when you entered, you already sealed your fate. Even if you won,it would haunt you forever. Still,it was more preferable to win rather than die in the games.

Writers Games; AlliancesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang