D6 Male - Vulcan Shrine [cardshark07] Task 1

Start from the beginning

"That is our District Six tributes everyone!" She squeals excitedly. I flinch a bit, my ears ready to implode by the awful sound of her voice. If she were in the games, I'd slaughter her in seconds.

"May the odds be ever in your favor!" She adds. That's it. I can't contain it anymore. I can't help but let it slip.

"Can you shut your trap already?! That voice of yours makes me want to slaughter you. Crawl back into the hyena cave you came from because no one wants to hear that damn voice of yours. I hope the odds are in YOUR favor when the Capitol decides to make you an avox!"

Her face is astonished. Her lip trembles, wanting to reply but she is forever embarrassed in front of all of Panem. Tears swell up in her eyes and she storms off the stage. Damn, I really blew my luck. Whatever. I'll be a force to be reckoned with.

No one comes to see me in the Justice Building. Not really shocked at all, considering I don't have anyone to love. Love doesn't exist in my world. All that I allow to consume me is hatred for this place and isolation. If I'm not close with anyone, no one can hurt me. It's my small way on showing the freedom I have over the president and game makers. They can try to use me and persuade me with family, but family doesn't exist in my book. I can't be used as another puppet in the games, I will fight for myself and not anyone else.

Raelene and I aboard the train. She looks quite upset. I'm sure it's because she's entering the games, but I wonder if it's possible no one visited her. I would ask her, but truthfully I don't really care.

We step onto the train and there are several people on the train with familiar faces. Raelene goes crazy, hugging every single one of them. "I'm so happy to see all of you!" She shouts, tears of joy streaming down her face. For the time being, I guess she forgot that she's entering a game where kids are forced to murder each other.

Her family and friends open their arms, taking her in with joy and happiness. On the other hand, I'm sitting here awkwardly awaiting for someone to greet me. But then I remembered I have no friends nor family. Guess I truly am the lone wolf. Not a single person joined me for this, showing my true isolation that I place upon myself.

We travel our way to the Capitol as they all huddle around and chat amongst themselves. Quite idiotic if you ask me. I give Occisora props for trying to use family and friends as a mere distraction from the event that is taking place, however, I will not fall for this simple twist. The games have begun and I will strategize and figure out each tribute.

District One's Reaping was quite interesting. The boy seemed scared to enter the games, however, he seems quite fit. Although he was reaped, he holds potential. Axis on the other hand is going to be an issue. Her hand shot up to volunteer even though she is only fourteen years old. She seems cunning and skilled, I'll have to keep an eye on her in training to see what she is capable of.

District Two, the Capitol lapdogs, appear next. The boy instantly catching my eye when he volunteered. Haeden seems to be quite the threat physically and socially, but mentally I'm not so sure. Definitely a tribute to keep an eye out for. The girl doesn't seem like much. Yes, she volunteered, but only for her younger sibling. She won't be bloodbath material, but she won't make it past the final twelve, that's for sure.

District Three is a bit unusual. The girl, Ki, was reaped but for some odd reason she seems bubbly and some-what happy. She makes me feel a bit uneasy, I'll have to make a mental note on not to underestimate her. The boy, Jay, seems like a try-hard. He held his head up high like a career would, but in his eyes I can tell he's petrified. I'm not really concerned about him.

District Four is where we have problems. The boy volunteered and I would assume he would be the pack leader. He's definitely going to be the one that is going to be hard to beat. The female volunteered also and although she seems weak, I have a feeling she is waiting to slaughter tributes. She has great potential, that's for sure.

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