"What's so funny?" "What the hell are ya saying, ya brat?" "We ain't nothing to laugh at, ya dig?" I just shook my head laughing, "The fact that this trio is the best among the hunters is laughable. You obviously haven't done enough research. Your plan is flawed in many aspects. Although I must commend you for your tenacity." I said staring at the trio. "Khaleesi catch!" Wendy said as she threw the bottle towards me. "Flawed how?" The blue haired one asked as the brute ran at me. "There are many discrepancies that you failed to count for. But the major one is this..." I grabbed the bottle and smashed it in my hand. I let the Moon Drip fall onto the ice. "Khaleesi!" Lucy shouted pissed. "What in the hell are you doing?" Natsu and Gray shouted.

"Look! The amount you have in this bottle won't even put a dent in this ice. How did you expect to use this on a giant mountain of flames using a minuscule amount? It took a year for Lyon to accumulate enough to free Deliora. So, how in the hell could they possibly accomplish freeing something just as large? This is what I was trying to tell you all before you ran after them. And this is why you three being the best treasure hunters is nothing but a mere joke to me, ya dig?" I informed mocking the brute. Their eyes were wide with shock as their jaw dropped.

"Words of advice, next time do your research." I stated. "Now I'll leave these treasureless trio to you guys." I said walking away waving. "Where are you going?" Lucy asked. "To greet our other visitors of course." I said smiling and leaving with Fin. I skated away hearing Natsu scream in the distance, "You can count on us!" I smiled before heading to the flame. I walked over to Erza.

"Yo!" I waved nonchalantly. "Khaleesi? What're you doing here? Why aren't you with the others?" She questioned.
I looked up at the sky shielding my eyes from the sun trying to find the source of power I was feeling. "Hm, not this direction. Here? Oh I met up with them." I said still looking. "So did we get the Moon Drip?" Erza asked. "Yes and Khaleesi crushed it!" Finley said cheerfully. "You did what?" Erza shouted stomping towards me. "Hm not that direction either. It's here somewhere. I was trying to tell you guys before they ran off. The amount of Moon Drip they have is nowhere near enough to melt the Eternal Flames or the village." I stated as we walked around.

Erza was walking around talking to herself mainly. I kept my eye on the sky still walking around. I stopped as I spotted it in the sky. "Ah ha! There you are. Black Dragon Roar!" I launched a roar attack in the direction of where they were located.

"Incoming. We have guests!" I said glaring at the creature soaring towards our area in the sky. I turned around to see Erza way up ahead of me. My eyes widened as I heard my voice sound childish.

"Did I shrink?" I felt my dress slip, falling from my body and onto the ground. I quickly pulled my dress back on me. I looked over to Finley. "Oh my god! You're a kitten again! Gah! I forgot how much of a cutie you were as a kitten!" I gushed squealing at her. "Me? You're a kid again!" Finley said in a baby voice pointing her paw at me. What a horrible time for this! I picked up Finley and ran to Erza. "Erza!" I yelled cringing at the higher pitch my voice took. I stopped as I saw Erza in the same predicament.

"Not you too!" I stated in shock. "Khaleesi? You and Finley as well?" She said her voice as well as her were childlike again. "You look like you did when you were ten." Erza stated squealing. I looked over at my reflection in the ice gasping loudly. I touched my reflection in the ice examining myself closely. She's right I looked like a little child again.

"This isn't good." Erza stated while I stared wide eyed at my reflection in shock. I felt for my magic before my eyes widened even more. "It's not just our appearance that is affected. My m-magic has reverted back to the same as well!" I panicked. "Erza, Finley and I are going to look for a way to turn us back." I stated heading back towards the village.

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