Middle School Fights

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Quirk: Kinetic Energy
They can absorb and release the energy they are struck with. When they enact energy upon an outside force, they absorb and store the equal and opposite reaction. The energy absorbed tends to be drawn down by gravity and will pool in their legs or arms depending on where they were struck.
Excessive amounts of energy stored can hurt and strain their limbs. It has been speculated by their doctors that if they absorb too much energy it will burst their ligaments and tear their muscles.
---Lunchtime, Nabu Middle School---
Jumping to the side to avoid his punch, Y/n shoved his shoulder, causing him to stumble.

The entire cafeteria was watching at this point. Seemingly Quirkless Y/n got into another fight with some guy who was bigger than them. It was almost routine, Y/n picking fights, but no one could truly stop them. Although apparently Quirkless, they were quick to throw a punch. People previously hit by Y/n have described how their punches are stronger than anticipated, and had the welts to prove it. 

The guy caught himself before falling, spinning around and growling at Y/n. He attempted to charge at them again, but they effortlessly dodged, this time kicking the inside of his knees. He crumbled to the ground, unable to stop the forced reaction.

Y/n immediately grabbed his arm, pulling it behind his back with their legs on his, and stopped him from getting back up. As much as he tried to break free, he was stuck in Y/n's grip.

"I warned you to back off," Y/n said, further pushing on his arm when he tried to lift his legs.

"You bitch," he hissed, the strain in his arm and their knees pressed into him now starting to hurt.

"You dick," Y/n responded, now devoid of whatever emotion drove them to fight the guy in the first place. Feeling they already asserted their dominance, Y/n quickly climbed off the boy, still prepared for him to try and fight back.

He stood up, a little wobbly, and glared at Y/n. A friend of his rushed in, and blocked him with his arm, "Dude. It's not worth it."

Spitting on the floor towards Y/n, the guy allowed his friend to lead him away.

Dusting off their uniform, Y/n glanced around them, suddenly conscious of the watchful eyes of their classmates. Some of the kids that they made eye contact with diverted their gaze, worried they may be next. Y/n shrugged.

"L/n Y/n!" their homeroom teacher declared, hastily walking towards them through the small crowd that had gathered. Y/n turned around, ignoring their teacher.

"L/n Y/n," he repeated, now right behind them. "What have we told you about picking on other students?"

"Not to," Y/n dryly responded, not in the mood to be lectured by him.

"Exactly," he exclaimed, dramatically throwing his hands in the air to match the volume of his voice. "And yet, you go around beating up your classmates!"

"What about that guy?" they asked, gesturing towards where the boy and his friend fled. "He's just as involved as I was."

"You both get extra hours of cleaning duty."

---16:00, Nabu Middle School---
Narrowly avoiding another fight with that guy, Y/n walked away from their school, fully prepared to sleep once they got home. Cleaning duty isn't that hard, but with some random dude being aggressive the whole time, it gets exhausting. As they walked through the courtyard, a familiar voice called out to them.

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