Baby Meteor Shower

Start from the beginning

"Nonetheless, she is quite adorable~"


"Hey, girl! How've you been?" Apple and Apricot greeted her with a hug.

"I've been doing...ok. It's all starting to feel so real…" Rosie replied.

"Yeah….but aren't you excited?! You worked really hard for this baby, and we'll both have girls, isn't that exciting! They can totally have, like, play dates and stuff!" Apple exclaimed enthusiastically.

"Oh, and here she is now," Apple announced, waving Bully over. "Rose Quartz, say hello to your Auntie Rosie."

Rose Quartz shyly buried her face in her Father's chest, refusing to say anything.

"Um...hi!" Rosie tried, giving a little wave.

"Don't take it personally, darling. Little Rose is just shy, that's all. She's always only a few mere centimeters away from her Father, she is a total Daddy's girl." Apple replied.

"Really? Don't you ever get...a little jealous?" Rosie asked.

"Oh, no no no, darling. The more time she spends with him, the more time I have for sleeping and, you know, me time. Bully loves her more than anything, " She answered, gesturing to Bully who had begun to blow raspberries on Rose's tummy as she squealed with laughter.

"...yeah. But, I love being a mother. You and Ludwig are going to do just fine." Apple encouraged her.

"Are you okay, darling? I haven't heard from you in, like, forever! You don't seem very excited, or happy at all for that matter...." 

Well, that was because there was little to no internet and cell service in the Meringue Clouds. But to tell the truth, Rosie wasn't happy. Ever since she married Ludwig, she hadn't been happy. He was always so controlling, and she began to be frightened of him. He was so unpredictable. He could be as cool as a cucumber one minute, and then the next he could be screaming at her for the tiniest mistakes. He was not the man she'd fallen in love with. She wondered if Ludwig had always secretly been this way and that the man she loved was a facade, a bait to trap her into a relationship. She wished she had the confidence to break ties sooner, but she had feared that if she did, there would be another Kooky episode.

Rosie's inner monologue was spontaneously interrupted by her water-breaking.

"Would you….excuse me for a moment?" Rosie politely asked Apple before leaving to find Ludwig.

She found him in the corridor, ordering servants around.

"L-Ludwig...I think's coming." Ludwig sat there for a while, mentally processing the news he'd just heard. His calm demeanor quickly turned anxious. "OHMYGOODNESSRosiewehavetogetthemidwifeRIGHTNOW!" 

Rosie raised her hands defensively, "Ok Ludwig, calm down, calm down." She told him but he was too busy anxiously giving orders to servants. "Are you sure you're in labor?! You're only 32 weeks along!" 

Rosie was a bit annoyed that Ludwig was doubting her knowledge of her own body again. She drew in a deep breath as she felt a sharp pain. "I'm having contractions so yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm in labor." 

Ludwig nodded rapidly. "Where is your exercise ball?! Get on it right now, we need to time your contractions!"

Rosie sighed. "Ludwig, can we just get the midwi--"

"We need to time the contractions. Get on the ball. Now." He growled and Rosie fearfully complied.

This was going to be a long night.

After 9 long hours of labor, Matera Shariee Vanncy Von Koopa was born, small and premature. Before either Ludwig or Rosie could hold her, she was rushed to a makeshift NICU within the Palace. Because Rosie was so weak and tired, Ludwig let her rest and went to check on their new born baby himself.

At the entrance, Ludwig had to wash and sterilize his hands for several minutes.The lights in the makeshift NICU were very dim and it was very quiet except for the beeps of Matera's monitors.

Matera Shariee had many cords attached to her tiny body to measure her heart rate, breathing, and the amount of oxygen in her blood. A nurse was quietly monitoring her when Ludwig got there.

"Your Imperial Majesty, we're doing everything we can for the new Grand Duchess." The nurse assured him.

"You better be, or you, the doctor who monitored this pregnancy and  the doctor who delivered my child will all be executed. Do I make myself clear?" Ludwig threatened.

The nurse gulped and nodded. "Yes, Your Dignified Majesty, I understand. On another note...she's so beautiful. You both did a very good job."

Ludwig smiled warmly at Matera, her itty bitty baby wings twitching. She had beautiful freckled tan skin and a little bit of curly, celeste blue hair. "I know, I had a very important part in her development. I decided her gender after all but...she's perfect. Like an angel." 

After 8 weeks, Matera Shariee was removed from the makeshift NICU and into a crib in the couples room. They were both very relieved and tired from all the stress they'd been dealing with during the 8 weeks but it was all completely worth it.


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