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Kim Choon-hee had received one of the longest texts from Tia on Saturday night about some fight that had happened between Chinsun and Halli, and when she walked through the company doors on Sunday morning and entered into the main lounge, all of the Painted Hearts idols and trainees that could be there, were sitting there, talking about it in hushed tones and whispers, like it was their business to know about it.

Choon-hee's eyes scanned the room for the red-haired CEO's younger brother, but he was nowhere to be found, so Choon-hee just casually leaned against the wall, scrolling through her phone as she waited for Halli to arrive. She needed to have a private discussion with Halli about some important things, and she couldn't do that until she got there.

It had only been around fifteen minutes since the soloist had arrived, when the doors to the entertainment company burst open. Park Halli, dressed in a formal knee-length, blue dress with black designs and blue converse highs, stormed into the lounge, her nose flaring and when her green eyes scanned the room, they were full of fire and lightning all rolled into one, daring anyone to speak out of turn.

Choon-hee placed her phone back in her jeans pocket and looked in the direction of her very well-dressed boss. Even Halli's cherry red hair was in fancy curls and the soloist could see she was wearing dark blue eyeshadow, black eyeliner and black mascara. 'Why had she shown up so dressed up?'

Halli stood up straight and her hands fell down to her sides limply. "Alright, you had your talk and your fun, now get to your practice rooms before I kick you all out!" She said, her voice raised and everyone jumped up and quickly sprinted to where they were supposed to be, except for Choon-hee.

Halli's eyes scanned the room before they landed on Choon-hee's relaxed form against the wall. The redhead's tense form relaxed slightly and she approached the soloist with the ghost of a smile.

"Choon-ah, why are you still here? Is there something wrong?" Halli asked worriedly to the soloist, resisting the urge to touch her hair.

Choon-hee rubbed the back of her neck nervously as Halli stood before her, she could see the worry in her green eyes. "Um, Ms. Park, you're going to wanna sit down." She suggested to her boss softly.

Halli's eyes went from worried to concern as she slowly took a seat on a chair close by, "What's wrong, Choon-ah?" She asked, she knew that when Choon-hee had referred to her as 'Ms. Park' something was up.

"Well..." she started and didn't meet Halli's eyes. "I'mkindofinlovewithBTSandbeforeIstartgettingcloserwiththemIwantedtoaskforyourpermission." She said, sighing in relief when she finished, but when she met Halli's eyes, they were full of confusion.

"Choon-hee, you're an idol and write lyrics, I need those real world words to be used here to understand any what you just said." The redhead stated and Choon-hee became nervous once again.

She took in a deep breath before exhaling it slowly. "I'm kind of in love with BTS and before I start getting closer with them, I wanted to ask for your permission to do so."

Choon-hee's eyes met Halli's but they weren't glaring or scowling or sad like she had expected, they were just...blank. Not a single emotion was there in her swirling green orbs that Choon-hee could see.

Laughter suddenly filled the large room, an echoing, empty kind of laugh. Halli's broken laughs filled the company lounge as the words finally reached her head. She understood now. If Choon-hee was in love with all of BTS, some of the BTS members had to already be in love with her, right? So she is why Jimin left her, right?

Halli wanted to feel angry at Choon-hee for taking away Jimin, but she just couldn't. It wasn't like it was her fault that Jimin had fallen in love with her and it wasn't her fault that she was in love with him. Halli's laughter faded away and she met Choon-hee's scared gaze with a sad smile, no tears, no shouts, just a sad smile.

"It's okay, Choon-ah, my only request, is that you don't break their hearts." She said softly and sadly and watched as Choon-hee's smile widened and shown brightly.

She took her boss into a careful but tight hug, not wanting to ruin Halli's gorgeous outfit, tears of relief and happiness leaving her eyes. She broke the hug to wipe them away swiftly and smiled at Halli happily. "I'll take extra good care of them, I promise you won't have to worry about them and you won't regret making this decision. Thank you so much, Eonni!"

Halli smiled a little more, "Don't worry, if you don't I'll know." She teased slightly and Choon-hee laughed happily.

"Why did you come all dressed up anyway?" The young soloist asked and watched as her boss's cheeks flared up in sparks of red.

Halli looked both ways and scanned the lounge for cameras before meeting Choon-hee's question eyes. "I'll tell you, but on one condition," she said and Choon-hee nodded her head, "you cannot tell anyone about what I'm going to tell you." Choon-hee smiled brightly, excited to hear the news. "I'm about to go and help Stray Kids with their album promotions."

Choon-hee gave her boss a confused look, "So? Why dress so fancy?"

Halli's cheeks reddened once again and she gave a giddy smile, "Jisung will be there, and I think we're on the boyfriend and girlfriend level now, so I wanted to look nice to impress him."

Choon-hee smirked at her boss, "Ah, I see what you mean...You gotta look good and then have him later, right?"

Halli just laughed and smiled at her words before standing up and brushing herself off, the younger soloist following. Choon-hee watched as Halli held out her ringed hand and she looked up at her in confusion.

"Good luck with the boys, but make sure we talk all about our guys, okay?" Halli asked and Choon-hee smiled softly and took her boss's hand in her own.

"You got it!"

This was the first step to reaching them, now she needed to get to know the rest of them. Five more members to go...oh boy.

Painted Hearts Entertainment (Discontinued)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن