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Park Chinsun had never been so angry in his life. He had come to Halli's house for their game night from practice to find her sitting on the couch with her head in her hands and her shoulders shaking. He had never seen this side of his sister before, it was new and weird and a side that he didn't want to see ever again. So he quickly placed all of his things down next to the couch and softly sat beside her.

"Halli?" He asked softly and the girl's head shot right up. Her dull green eyes were piercing with an unnamed anger and he could see the tear tracks from her crying.

"What do you want? Here to break my heart, too?" Her words were dripping with venom, almost as sharp as knives and Chinsun couldn't place exactly why it was that way.

"Halli? What happened?" Chinsun asked, his voice softer than usual since he didn't want to trigger the poor girl.

Halli's eyes darkened significantly at her brother's words. "I should have believed you and Minjung-ah. But I didn't want to." Halli's dark tone softened as she continued in. "I thought he and I would last, but we didn't and I'm scared, Chin. I'm so scared that I'm going to end up all alone and that he'll never want to see me again."

Chinsun's blue eyes were laced with confusion. "Who's he, Noona? Who are you talking about? What did Min and I tell you?"

Halli's eyes finally broke and tears just poured down her face in waterfalls. "Park Jimin, Chinsun! He broke it off! He said that—he said that he loved another and he couldn't put me through the pain of a fake relationship! He said we were better off as being friends!" She furiously wiped at her tears as she spoke to her little brother. Pouring out her heart, trying to get rid of the pain she was feeling. "But I loved him! I still do.... I don't know what to do, Chinsun. What do I do?"

Chinsun felt his blood boil. His sister was crying her heart out over his best friend's mentor and all because that idol was in love with someone else. He softly grasped Halli's hands and made her look him in the eyes. "Noona? I'm going to explain a simple four step plan and you cannot argue with it, okay?"

Halli nodded her head, wanting anything to take away the burning in her heart. "Anything you say, Chin."

He smiled weakly at his sister. "Step one: write some songs, make it so that when he's listening to the radio and he hears your music, he'll regret his decision. Step two: get back out there, I know that before Jimin, there were a few other guys you were interested in and you should go for them. Step three: be in a happy relationship with someone you love who feels the same. Finally, Step four: finally be able to be friends with Jimin once again. See? Easy as pie, right?"

Halli stared at her brother, wiping the last few stray(kids) tears from her eyes and smiled weakly. "You really think it'll work? You think someone will love me?"

Chinsun smiled widely, "I'm sure of it Noona. With how awesome and great you are, definitely gonna have a couple guys waiting in line before you settle."

Halli laughed and suddenly the tense atmosphere from when Chinsun arrived had disappeared. She once again looked somber though. "It's been so hard with Eomma's death and now this break up. I've just been so stressed out. I want everyone at the company to be successful, but I think I've been ignoring my needs and fame along the way."

Chinsun shook his head with a worried smile. "Well, Noona, you are a stubborn person. You'll make it through, I promise."

That was yesterday. Today is Saturday, and Chinsun is standing in the middle of the practice room, relaying everything to Miyu and Minjung. "Now you see why I've been weird all day?"

Minjung eyes were as wide as teacups. "He really did that? Why would he do that? How did he do that? Have you seen her today?"

Chinsun shook his head worriedly, "I haven't seen Noona all day today and I'm starting to worry."

Miyu stared at the boys in confusion. "I saw her with the hair stylists a few moments ago, don't worry, okay? She's just trying to find ways to get over him. Basic girl style. You know she's still a girl on the inside, even if she doesn't act like it." Minjung and Chinsun met eyes. "I still want to beat him to death, don't get me wrong fellas." She said with a strong air of confidence that made both of the boys sweat drop, when suddenlty the door was opened.

All three idols turned to their practice room door to see a women standing there with mid-length bright red hair. "What do you guys think of the new look?" She said with a shit-eating grin. Chinsun knew where this was leading and he sighed before looking at his sister again.

Minjung was practically drooling and Halli smirked at the fourteen year old. "Noona, did you have to change it? I really liked the pink hair." Chinsun said with a slight whine.

Halli smiled apologetically to her younger brother. "I only got pink because Jimin thought it would look better than red or white. So now I'm doing the colors I want."

Chinsun nodded his head in understanding as she walked out the door once again, waving as she mentioned going back to her studio to work on some lyrics. Chinsun turned to face his still drooling best friend and shoved him a little. "Dude, that's my twenty-three year old sister. The age difference is significant here, man."

"I know hyung, but can't I just're sister is really hot!"

Miyu rolled her eyes as she stood up and smiled widely. "Well, I think she's definitely gonna find the guy she wants to love her back with that hair and outfit. I wish her the best of luck, Chin-oppa. You're taking great care of her through this." She complimented her leader and Chinsun smiled.

"Yeah well, it's easier to get her to listen since I've had many similar issues. Ya'know? Since I'm gay and all I—"

Miyu held her hand up to stop his speech. "You're gay, Chinsun?"

Chinsun smiled widely, "Yeah, I thought it was obvious?"

Miyu rolled her eyes playfully and sighed. "Well, I can be pretty oblivious."

Minjung smirked as the two talked, "And I'm bisexual!!"

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