Soda Pop

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Seo Yeno was the youngest out of the four members of Soda Pop. Because of this fact, the members constantly viewed her as the girliest or the shyest, but that wasn't even the half of her real personality. And Yeno was getting kind of tired of being viewed that way, that's partly why she hung out with Ra Minjung. He was an escape, he didn't treat her like a posh princess, he treated her like how she was, an adorable, clumsy tomboy who was really good at singing. Hence why she would stay up for hours and hours with the company maknae on the phone.

When they first met, Yeno thought that she had a crush on him and him the same, but it turned out that Minjung had only ever been around his little sister and didn't know how to talk and act with an older female who wasn't a sister or parent. After a week or two, Yeno realized that Minjung was two years younger than her and he wasn't really at an age where he should be dating anyone anyway. Everyone was working hard to achieve their dreams of being kpop idols, not many had time to be distracted by the idea of dating someone right now.

But when Soda Pop arrived today at the company, Yeno was starting to doubt her idea in dating. She watched as Park Halli jumped up and down wildly as she talked with Nari and Seoyeon in slight whispers. She watched Halli's cheeks burst into red countless times before dying away and she watched as the three girls wandered off down a different hall than that of Soda Pop's destination. Yeno's eyes narrowed though, as she watched the three walk away before turning around on her heel and almost tripping, but was caught before she could fall.

She looked up and smiled widely, "Hey Minnie, thanks for catching me." She said as she stood up on her own feet and fixed her backwards SnapBack.

Minjung smiled brightly, his one dimple indenting his cheek. "No problem, just be more careful." He said with a wave before running off again, his pink hair flopping along.

Yeno smiled and walked towards the rest of her waiting group. She followed them into the meeting room they had asked to borrow and they all sat down with smiles.

All except one, their leader, Kang Yujin. All of the members looked up at their leader as they noticed that she held no smile or grin or even a smirk.

"What's wrong, Eonni?" Mia asked the leader softly.

Yujin sighed and ran a hand through her hair. "Well, we haven't really discussed any ideas for songs for this album and Ms. Park really needs us to get at least one song ready for a music video to come out. I know she doesn't want to pressure us to much, but every time I talk with her, I can see it in her eyes. She really needs us to pull through for her."

Yeno met eyes with Yu-jin and Mia before standing up. "Then shouldn't we be discussing it now then? We need to face the issue, because if we need help, we need to ask."

Each of the girls nodded their heads in agreement at their maknae's words before all sitting in a circle and pulling out sheets of paper from the table above. Each member went around and said one word that connected with the idea of their entire concept as a band, which is: Tomboyish, fierce and hip hop based. After they had filled a whole page with words, everyone had to use those words and try to form lyrics to a song. The plan was after they had lyrics, two members would go down to the practice room and come up with some kind of choreography while the other two would go to each of their studios and try to come up with the beats.

Yeno and Mia were the one's to make the beats after they picked the song that Yujin and written, since it was the best one. Yeno smiled brightly, she liked Mia. Mia was a burst of sunlight that had blessed Soda Pop and everyone else with its presence. Mia could just naturally make someone smile without even trying and this made Yeno very happy to have her on her team for this.

Yujin and Yu-jin were the decided dance team since they were both the main dancers of the group. Therefore, they would have the most experience with figuring out choreographies and what order to put them in. Although it would be difficult to do much until Yeno and Mia were done creating beats for the song before they could record or finish the choreography.

By the end of the day, both Mia and Yeno were way more exhausted than the Yujins because they had to listen to beats over and over and critique each other until they found the correct beat. They did do that successfully and now they had to record tomorrow and then Yujin and Yu-jin could finish creating their choreography with their choreographer. The girls were all exhausted and excited to see how it turned out before they presented it to their CEO. After all, they needed her approval so they could create the music video for their debut.

Soda Pop all went to sleep with dreams of amazing music videos and songs swirling in their heads. And Yeno, well she had another phone call with Minjung to talk about each other's days. She could hold off a little while longer before telling her eonnis about how she felt about the way she was kind of treated like a posh princess. She was a tomboy, but she could wait until next week to tell them that. At least Minjung knew about it, at least one person knew so she didn't have to hid it forever. Just for a couple more days and then she could be back to being her more outgoing self.

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