Group Interviews

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Interview With Soda Pop

"Hello to all Poppies! Welcome to the first interview with the up and coming band Soda Pop. I am your MC, Han Jisung and here are your girls!" Jisung smiles brightly as the four girls walk onto the stage following their CEO, Park Halli.

Halli took the seat next to Jisung with a smile and take the mic handed to me. "Good morning Han, how are you this morning?"

Jisung smiles, "Very good. Excited to talk with some of your girls."

Halli laughed softly and met his eyes. "Well, Soda Pop is here for you to interview. Interview away my friend."

Yujin motions for the three other girls to stand back up and they smile. Yujin meets eyes with each of the girls and the nod. "Han, dul, set..."

"Joneun, ilimuen Soda Pop imnida!" The four girls all introduce while bowing quickly. The four girls each take their seats across from the two idols and wait to be questioned.

Han raises his mic, "Can you girls introduce yourselves for our fans who are just joining the fandom?"

The girls nod all of their heads and Yujin stands up. "Hello, I am Yujin and I'm very excited to be interviewed by two of the many people I look up to."

Han and Halli met eyes and nodded their heads to the girl. Halli smiled proudly at the leader and how she was straight to the post when introducing herself. Yujin sat down and motioned for Mia to stand, so she did.

Mia smiled almost as brightly as j-hope and it made both Han and Halli smile in return. "Morning to you and to you! My name is Squad Fam and I'm really happy to be here! You're the best Poppies!"

Both Han and Halli laughed a little at the young girl's playful behavior. They both couldn't stop smiling as the girl sat down and Yujin motioned for Yu-jin to go next.

She stood with a determined glint in her eyes and a small smile, "Good morning, I am Miso and I hope you enjoy your time with us. Love you Poppies!" She said, sending the fans two finger hearts before sitting back down.

Han and Halli sent the young girl finger hearts of their own with bright smiles and the three laughed at this. After the three came back to normal, Yujin motioned for their youngest to stand up.

Yeno stood with a shy smile, clumsily knocking her chair backwards at her abruptly standing up. She blushed bright red as she frantically turned around and picked the chair back up. Halli and Han smiling good naturedly.

"Hi, I am Soda Pop's maknae, Luna. I'm very happy to be here." She said with a bright smile after calming down.

Halli smirked at the young girl and brought her mic up from her lap. "Are you planning to be the new god of destruction?" She teased the maknae.

Yeno blushed bright red again and smiled shyly, waving her hands in front of her body. "N-no, Namjoon-sunbaenim can keep that title."

Halli and Han laughed from the shy girl's reaction. The youngest sat down and Han and Halli settled down once again. "Alright Han, let's get on with the questions." Halli said and the boy nodded his head.

"Alright, so let's start with a question to your maknae then. What was your reaction when you met your members?" He asked the shy girl.

Yeno looked up at her members shyly with a smile. "My first reaction when I met the members was actually pretty great, but I didn't really talk all that much because I was a little scared and intimidated by them."

Yu-jin wrapped her arms around the soft maknae sitting next to her and the other members laughed softly. "Sorry about that, Luna-ah." Yu-jin said softly.

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