Blue Rose

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Nari woke up that morning to see that her phone had been blown up with texts and calls. She shot straight out of bed and lifted her phone to see what the time was, and it was almost 11:30. Blue Rose was late for practice and Halli had called thousands of times to alert them to wake up. Nari spring out of bed and rushed to put on proper clothes. By the time she was done getting dressed and ready, her room looked like it had been ransacked. 

She raced out of her room, blue hair falling behind her in waves and banged her hands on the walls and doors of the hall as she ran to the living room. "Wake up! Wake up! We're late!" She yelled and she heard four rounds of thuds from the floor. She sighed as she rushed to grab her coat and her shoes. She watched as Seoyeon and Kim raced into the room, shoes already on their feet, racing for their coats and then standing next to their leader.

"Where are Byeol-Eonni and Rin-Eonni?" Seoyeon asked and Nari sighed and shook her head.

"They'll be here any second." She said, running a hand through her hair before walking to the door and opening it. Feeling the rush of cold wind blow through her as if she had no protection.

"They're here, they're here! Let's go!" Kim said as the two shyest members finally showed up, dressed and ready to go. The five girls all raced to the van and jumped in, hoping to not face to bad of consequences when they arrived.

As soon as they arrived at the company, Nari lead the five of them to the doors and inside, where they were met with Park Halli and Huening Kai, having a very passionate discussion. The five girls stood shoulder to shoulder, waiting to be noticed by the two idols. Halli turned to the side and had a disappointed look on her face as her eyes scanned over Blue Rose. She shook her head and spoke not a word, just waving her hand and leading her fellow idol and the five girls down a hallway to the practice rooms.

As they entered the practice room, it looked just like the one they used when they were working with the trainee coaches with the other trainees. The five girls sat in a semi-circle, awaiting orders from their CEO. Halli sighed and turned back to Kai, a small smile on her face as she faced her friend.

"You might want to take a seat Kai, this will be a minute." She said softly, so he nodded and took a seat on the end of the line, right next to the maknae of Blue Rose. The two maknaes met eyes and immediately looked away, pink blushes on their faces and looking down at the ground. 

Nari looked up to their CEO with a blank expression, not sure what to do. Halli met eyes with the leader and sighed, running a hand through her hair in a stressed manner. "Care to explain why you're so late this morning?" She asked softly, not mad, but disappointment was definitely laced in her words.

Nari nodded her head and took a deep breath before speaking. "I had over slept, so I wasn't able to wake everyone up so we would be here on time." She said, slightly embarrassed.

Halli rubbed her hands over her face before once again looking at the blunette. "And why did you oversleep?"

Seoyeon raised her head, a dark blush now on her cheeks. "Ma'am? That's partly my fault. I had asked Nari-Eonni to help me with some of my school work. If anyone is at fault, it would be m-me." Seoyeon stuttered at the end from Halli's intense gaze and the gaze of Kai piercing into her profile next to her.

Halli's frown broke into a wide grin, and she laughed. She turned back to Nari with an astonished expression. "Why didn't you call last night and tell me that you needed to start later?" She asked, her eyes wide and curious.

All the girls looked shocked while Kai laughed next to Seoyeon. "You can call your CEO and ask for your schedule to be pushed back a little if you know you were up to late and you wouldn't be able to function properly." Kai said softly, mostly speaking to the blushing Seoyeon, his cheeks heated up shyly before he looked back up at his friend.

The girls all watched the interaction between Seoyeon and Kai, squeals of excitement from the cuteness of the two very shy idols were going off like alarms in their heads. Even Halli had to admit that the two were very cute, but she needed to focus. "If you know you won't be able to function, make sure to call? Alright?"

Nari nodded her head and watched as Halli motioned for her to stand specifically. The blunette stood and walked towards her CEO, curiosity and questions blooming in her eyes. "Yes?"

Halli motione dher head toward Kai and Seoyeon. "Just make sure that they don't get to carried away until your contract is drawn up, alright? No hearts should be broken, alright?"

The blunette nodded her head and watched her best friend shyly interact with her bias from TXT. A large smile spread across her face and she turned back to her CEO, a single question in her eyes. "Are we going to be able to date?" Nari asked and Halli smirked.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out when you debut." She said with a teasing grin before turning back to the two maknaes. "Alright youngsters, I've gotta take Kai back for his practice. Just thought you might want to talk with him just...a...bit...more." She said, her eyes meeting that's of Seoyeon's and smiled brightly.

Kai stood up with a slip of paper in his hand before shyly waving goodbye to the group of girls. As the two idols walked out of the room and into the hallway, Halli grinned slyly at the boy, "Got a phone number did we? You sly dog." 

Kai blushed deep red and covered his face. "C'mon Halli, stop teasing." He said shyly and Halli laughed.

"Whatever you want Kai, whatever you want."

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