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Yeonha was very surprised when her CEO, Park Halli, called her to her office. She nervously smiled at all the other trainees who were giving her curious looks and dashed off to the office. When she arrived, she found not a head of pink hair, but a head of bright cherry red hair and another girl beside it.

Yeonha approached the two nervously and gave a small bow. "Anneyong. I was called down to meet with Ms. Park?"

The woman with the red hair smiled so wide her dimples were showing and Yeonha instantly recognized her from the two weeks before. "Good morning Yeonha-ssi. I want you to meet another soloist at the company and a friend of mine, Kim Choon-hee."

Yeonha gave a shy smile to the younger girl and nodded her head in acknowledgment. Choon-hee doing the same with a small smile as well.

Halli stared at the two girls before signing dramatically. "I called you two here because I want you to get to know each other and your fellow soloist Ivy. Unfortunately, she is stuck on Jeju Island until further notice, so you will be meeting her when she returns." The CEO gave a broad grin to the two girls. "So please get to know each other and just have fun with it. Alright? You're free to go."

The two soloists walked out of the clean office and now stood in the hallway, staring at each other with blank or nervous expressions. (I'll let you guess who's wearing what expression). That was when Jung-Hwa walked near the girls and came to a stop.

"Noonas, did you hear?" He asked in a slight whisper, not wanting his boss to overhear what he was about to tell to the girls.

Yeonha and Choon-hee met eye contact before looking at the secretary curiously. "What were we supposed to hear, Jung-Hwa?" Yeonha asked softly, her introvert really showing through.

The blonde haired boy looked both ways before meeting the girls eyes again. "Ms. Park and Jimin-hyung broke up yesterday. I thought it would be all over the company by now." He said exasperated and surprised they didn't know.

Yeonha's and Choon-hee's eyes widened to the size of tea cups. "They broke up?!" Choon-hee asked him seriously. Hoping for more of an explanation or details on this little piece of drama.

Jung-Hwa looked both ways again before giving the two girls sad eyes. "He told her he loved someone else and coudn't put her through a fake relationship when he didn't feel the same for her. I couldn't believe it when I heard about it. If I was dating Ms. Park, I would never be able to love anyone else."

Choon-hee's eyes held a small flame of anger towards one of her crushes. How could he be in love with someone else when he's dating someone as amazing as Park Halli?! She just didn't understand it or the reasoning.

Yeonha in the other hand, had tears in her eyes for her CEO. She had never been through something like that, but she could probably guess how Halli was feeling and she knew that no one should ever feel that way over someone. Yeonha was honestly very disappointed in Park Jimin for falling in love with someone else, but maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

"What do we do now? Should we comfort her? Leaver he alone?" Yeonha asked the two others softly, wanting to help, but not wanting to be a bother.

Jung-Hwa's head immediately shot up with a nervous look in his eyes. "No! You can't tell her or comfort her or anything! She can't know that I told you, okay?"

Choon-hee crosses her arms and glared at the secretary. "And why shouldn't we? Are you not supposed to know in the first place?"

Jung-Hwa suddenly began to hop from one foot to the other from how nervous he was from the confrontation. "No, I wasn't."

Yeonha nodded her head at the confession before smiling softly. "Well, I'm friends with Miyu, so we can just tell her that's how we found out about it."

Choon-hee nodded her head at the plan. "Sounds good, no girl should be left alone after something like this happens. Let's go help her through it!!"

Yeonha nodded her head and the two reentered the office and knocked on the open door. "Halli-Eonni?" The singer asked out loud and flicked the lights to the office back on. The sight she found was one that scared her emotionally. Her CEO's head of red hair was in her hands and Yeonha could see the puddle of tears that was starting to for, on the desk.

Halli's head shots up at the light and the voice to find both Yeonha and Choon-hee standing there. She wiped her eyes quickly and forced a smile. "What can I do for you girls?"

Choon-hee knelt down next to her boss and smiled gently. "Eonni? Do you want to talk about what happened between you and Jimin-sunbae?"

Halli shook her head as more tears filled her eyes. Ready to pier over at a moment's notice. Yeonha knelt down on the other side and gave a smile. "Do you want to talk about potential boys to date when you're better?"

Halli nodded her head after hesitating for a moment and smiled. "Yeah, that would be nice."

Choon-hee smirked before opening her phone, ready to type in the name of the person her boss wanted to date next. Yeonha smiled widely at her boss's answer, "Do you have someone in mind?"

Halli's cheeks reddened at the thought for answering, but she smiled none the less. "Bang Chan, definitely Bang Chan."

Choon-hee typed 'Adorable Bang Chan moments' into her YouTube search happily. "Got a thing for Aussie's, boss?" The seventeen year old teased.

Halli's cheeks reddened even more, she was as red as a cherry at this point. "Maybe? I don't know... I've just always had this crush on him for as long as I've known him."

Yeonha gave her boss a curious glance, "Why didn't you pursue it?"

Halli gave a sad smile, "Because if we were to break up terribly, it might damage my friendship with him and the other Stray Kids members."

Choon-hee looked up from her screen with a slight glare. "And the way you broke up with Jimin wasn't terrible?"

Halli shook her head, a single tear leaving her eye. "No, it wasn't."

Yeonha gave her CEO a concerned stare. "But you're all torn up about it. Is he not?"

Halli shrugged her shoulders, "I wouldn't know. We aren't talking right now."

Choon-hee sighed and went back to her screen, picking a long playlist of videos to play for her boss. "Well, I'll contact Minjung-Ah about Jimin-sunbae later. Right now, we need you to watch these videos with us, alright?"

Halli gave them both a thankful smile. "Yeah, okay. Thank you girls."

"Anytime," they said offhandedly as the video began.

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