Are we staring over again? (Chapter 12)

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~The next morning(BP: 'cuz she's lazy- Me: SHUT UP AND GO BACK TO YOUR PLACE!- BP: Fine-)~

I woke up and everyone was nowhere to be seen 'til my alarm went off.
I looked at the time and saw it was 6:50.
I quickly got up and ran to my room and grabbed the first clothes I saw and went to the shower.
After drying up I put on my White Tank Top, Black Hoodie, Faded Blue Skinny Jeans, A White And Blue Stripped Beanie, Black Fingerless Gloves, And White Sneakers.
I walked out of my room and slid down the railing of the stairs and head to the dining room and Chara was already there eating his breakfast.

"Ah, Good morning Ms. (Y/N)! How did you sleep Last Night?"
"Good! Thanks for askin'."
"What would you like for breakfast today Miss?"
"Hm, Just some cereal please!"
"Coming right up!"
"Hey Bro."
"Sup sis, How are you feeling?"
"Great, why ask?"
"Nothin' Just asking 'Cause why not?"
"Pffth- Mkay."

We ate our breakfast and soon finished, We put our dishes in the sink and Chara and I got to our service outside and drove off to school, Once we got there we got out of the car and it drove off after we walked in the gates.
"Excited to be back?"
"Hehe! Yup!"

Chara smiled and we walked to our lockers and put our stuff in, I grabbed my things for first class.
As I closed my locker Someoen grabbed my arm and hit my head against the locker whiel holding my arms behind me.
I looked behind me to see BP, Asriel, Undyne and Other jocks.
"W-what's up with you guys..?"
"Don't play dumb! We know what you've been up to!"
"What do you m-mean?"
"Oh don't act innocent! We know you're using us to prevent us from hurting anyone!"
"W-what?! I'm not using you guys!"
"Sure you aren't! Stop lying to us!"
"I-i'm not..!"

PJ then came and looked at me.
"Let her go."
Undyne and BP let go of me and I fell to the floor.
PJ came over and hugged me and glared at the jocks.
"What the hell guys?!"
"She's using us PJ! She's just using us so we can stop bullying and hurting everyone!"
"Whoever told you this stupid thing is insane! (Y/N) would never do anything like that and you know it!"
"Would she?"
PJ then froze and looked at me a bit concerned.
"Y-you wouldn't, r-right..?"
"N-no, Never! N-not to m-my f-friends nor a-anyone!"
"Why are you stuttering then?"
"Y-you guys a-almost twisted my arm! It h-hurts you k-know!"
"Yeah right."

PJ sighed and kissed my forehead.
"Don't worry k..?"
"I'm here for you, I promise i'll never leave your side and I'll love you 'til the day we die."
"Thanks Jammy.."

I smiled and hugged him, he hugged back and his smile faded as he glared at the jocks again, The jocks just rolled their eyes and walked off.
"Come on Baby, class is about to start in about a minute."
I blushed and nodded and we both got up and walked to class.


Class was over now, My next class was with Undyne and BP. I'm doomed-
PJ wasn't in the same class 'til after lunch.
As much as I'd hate to admit it, I'm afraid of what'll happen.
What if the person says it to PJ and he believes them..?
I have to keep an eye out for PJ and anyone suspicious.
PJ waved goodbye to me and walked off in a different direction, I got curious and decided to follow him quietly 'cause of course I didn't want to get caught right?

PJ went to the back of the school where no one really goes to, I followed far from behind and heard him talking to someone, I hid against a wall and peaked out.
I saw PJ talking to Horror, Dust, Frisk and SF, I couldn't see who the other one was since they were blocking the person.
Their backs were facing me so luckily they won't see me.

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