Studying with the Nerds (Chapter 5)

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~After Astrology~

Astrology was fun!
Now It's time for Gymnastics!
Chara, PJ, and I walk to the gym and changed into our gym uniform.
I walked out of the changing room and stretched.

I just talked with Fresh.
"So, Fresh. Uh...Sorry about earlier in Free period. We can study after class okay?"
"Alright, Where will we study?"
"Hm, Either at the library, My house or Your house."
"Let's ask the others later."

Then Mr. Ink walked in.
"Good afternoon Class! So, Mr. Cross is quite busy at the moment so he can't really teach you guys for now. So you're all free to do what you want to do here for the rest of the hour."
He then walked out.

"Why don't we have a substitute?"
"Dunno, Maybe the other teachers are busy?"
"Maybe, Eh. Let's just stay here for now."

Then Undyne walked to us, Fresh yelped and hid behind me.
"Woah, woah. Calm down nerd, I came by to ask you two if you wanna play truth or dare with us."
Fresh's eyes lit up in excitement.
"Sure! Come on Fresh!"

We both followed Undyne and sat down and played.

(Imma just make it like this-
H-Horror, You-(Y/N), F-Fresh, PJ-Paperjam, C-Chara, U-Undyne, BP-Burgerpants, SG-SkateGirl, You guys are the only ones who stayed in the Gym to play. The others went home or went somewhere.)

You: Alright, Who'll start?
C: Me. Undyne, Truth or Dare?
U: Truth!
C: Do you like Alphys?
U: Uh- Dare.
C: I dare you to tell us if you Like Alphys.
U: Dammit Chara!
H: Ya' gotta answer it Undyne!
F: We promise we won't tell!
U: Fine! Yes!
U: Shut up (Y/N)!
You: mkeh.
F: Pffth-
U: Horror, Truth or Dare?
H: Hm, Truth.
U: What do you think about when Chara's around?
H: Nothin' Just thinkin' 'bout him.
C: Noice.
H: PJ, Trurh or Dare?
PJ: Truth.
H: Do you like anyone else other than (Y/N)?
PJ: Nope, (Y/N) is enough for me. And She's Everything I need.
You: That just gave me a song idea.
PJ: Hm?
F: What do you mean?
You: Not gonna tell, You'll only hear it tomorrow at the performance!
U: Aww, I was gonna ask if we can hear it!
You: I still have to make the lyrics and chords Undyne!
U: Oh, Right. I forgot!
You: Haha! Rip Undyne's Memories.
U: Rip indeed.
F: *plays sad music*
You: Thanks Fresh! XD
F: No problem!
PJ: Anyways, My turn! BP, Truth or Dare?
BP: Dare.
PJ: Dare ya' to tell us if you like anyone.
BP: As a matter in fact- Yes, I do.
You: Alright now I'm curious who.
SG: Same!
F: Same.
C: Same here.
H: Lol, Everyone is curious.
BP: Nope, Not gonna tell. SG, Truth or Dare?
SG: Truth!
BP: Can you skate around the gym for more than 22 times in one minute?
SG: Let's find out!


BP: Aaaaaand....Timer's done!
SG: The answer is, Yes!
BP: You got 27 skates in just a minute.
SG: Yep!
F: I knew you could do it SG!
You: Everything can happen if you believe.
SG: Hehe! Well, back to the game!
BP, F, and You: Mkay.
SG: (Y/N), Truth or Dare?
You: Dare!
SG: Hm, What do you think of PJ?
You: A big dork.
PJ: Thanks Cutie pie!
You: Shush!
F: Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip.
You: Shush Fresh! /////
F: Can't help it! The ship is too cute!
You: Fresh, Truth or Dare?
F: Hmm... Truth!
You: If everyone here was a girl and you were the only guy, What will you do?
F: Probably be freaked out 'cause then Every girl will be inlove with me.
You: I kinda agree, For a nerd your all very cute!
F: Shut up! I'm not cute!
You: Yes you are!
F: Hmph!

~The game continued on until the bell rang~

We all got up and changed.
Fresh and I walked out to find the others.
PJ, Undyne, BP, SG, Horror and Chara all went home.

~No one's POV~

Fresh, Alphys, Papyrus, Blooky, and (Y/N) decided to study at (Y/N)'s house.
So they went out to (Y/N) car and drove all the way to (Y/N)'s house.

Yes, (Y/N) and Chara has their own cars so if they need to go somewhere they have their own cars to go anywhere they want.

"We're here."
They all stopped at a forest.
"U-uh..I thought we were going to your house..?"
Fresh asked nervously.
(Y/N) giggled.
"We are."
They all walked further and reached the castle.

"You live in a Castle?!"
"S-so, y-you and c-chara are a p-prince and princess?"
"Thanks Fresh."

They went in.
"I'm home!"
(Y/N) said.
They all went to the living room.
PJ, Horror, and Chara were there.

"Welcome home Sis! I thought you were gonna be studying at the library?"

"Eh, We just decided to study here. The library at school is gonna close soon anyway."

"You didn't tell me you were a Princess, (Y/N)"
"I wanted it to be a surprise."
"Well you did surprise me~"
PJ got up and walked to (Y/N) ans wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her.
They kissed for 17 seconds and pulled away. Chara, Alphys and Fresh Squealed.
"We'll be at the library if you need us."

Fresh, Alphys, Napstablook, Papyrus and (Y/N) all went to the library room and started studying.

(Sorry that this is bad qwq I ran out of ideas. I'm gonna take a break for now. I'll continue the next Chapter Later. Peace out Dreamers! ^^)

Inlove With A Spirit (NaJ! PJ x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora