Singing Performance (Chapter 6)

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Soon they finished studying.
It was already late, So Chara and (Y/N) decided to let them stay for the night.
Luckily the Castle had enough rooms for everyone to stay in.

~The Next Morning~

It was now morning.
Of course, They did their Morning Routine.

Got their Clothes.
Went to Shower.
Put on their Clothes.
Went Downstairs.
Ate Breakfast.
Brush their Teeth.
Put their bags On.
Went outside.
Got in the Car.
Drove to School.
Stop in front of the School Gate.
Get out of the Car.
Enter the School.
Go to their Lockers.
Put their stuff In.
Grab the things for first Class.
Go to Class.
Wait for the Bell to Ring.

~End of Routine :D~

~(Y/N)'s POV~

We got to our Class and waited for the bell to ring.
The teacher had came already.
"Hello, Good morning class! So, Today we will not have any Class for the rest of the day, Due to the Occasion. Pack your stuff and head to the theater room when you're ready. For that is where the singing performance will be."

We all packed our stuff and went to the theater room.
I got my piano ready since it'll be my turn after 7 monsters are done performing.
There are only 9 people who will perform.

1st - Goth
2nd - Cil
3rd - Lux
4th - Xahji
5th - Cray
6th - Dust
7th - Killer
8th - (Y/N)
9th - PJ

(Imma be making 9 Parts for each of them singing- So Stay tuned for all that! Then after I publish all 9 of them I'm gonna need you guys to vote who you liked the best! :3
I've finished them all last night so i'll just have to press publish then it'll be there! Sorry if i'm gonna spam your notifications-  TwT)

Inlove With A Spirit (NaJ! PJ x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora