A Celebration? (Chapter 11)

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From what I heard from her song....

~Smol Flashbacks- :D~

'Good morning Everyone, My name is (Y/N) (L/N), I'm 15 Years old. I'm Cross Chara's Sister, I hope that we can become good friends!'

'Today she's turning sixteen'

~End of Smol Flashbacks :'D~

She's turning 16 today..?
I have to at least try my best to not get her mad at me.
Yeah, Sarcasm. She's probably pissed 'cause of me right now.

I then snapped back in reality by Aqua clapping his hands together in front of my face.
"You alright? You zoned out."
"Y-yeah.. But, Hey. Was that song related to her?"
"Well, duh."
"So she's turning 16 today huh?"
"Yep, Today's her birthday."
"And no one told me- So great!"
"Stop with the sarcasm PJ, You still have to apologize to her about what you did 3 days ago."
I nodded.

"Let's go and see Chara and the others and set up a celebration for her then, Shall we?"
Aqua smiled and nodded and we went directly to the castle.


I was making balloons when my phone buzzed, I left my phone in Vibrate so I knew if there was a notification.
I pulled out my phone and saw a message from Undyne.

Hey PJ!

What's up? Somethin'
bad happen to you

Nope, Guess who
i'm with right now!

Dunno, BP and the
others are here with
us so, Who are you


Undyne then sent a photo of Her and (Y/N) covered in sweat, Undyne was wearing a black tank top and sweatpants.
(Y/N) was wearing a White tanktop and white shorts.
They both had a towel over their necks and I can tell they were at the gym.

I looked at the picture and smiled softly as I finally saw (Y/N)'s beautiful smile again.
But....what if she's just putting on a fake smile..?
I sighed and replied.

Nice, But what are
you guys doing right

Well we're practicing
but we're on break
right now! Why
are you askin'?

Well Aqua told me
today is (Y/N)'s 16th
birthday. So we're at
their castle to set up
a celebration for her.
We're almost done,
How long are you
guys gonna finish?

Well we're almost done
so just wait a few more
minutes, Perfect timing
too since (Y/N) told me
that she was gonna go
back home after this
to see her brother
'cause they haven't
seen each other for
a while and she misses
him and everyone else
there. So you better be
ready in about 30
minutes 'cause we're
gonna go there after
30 minutes.

Alright, Trust me.
We're done setting
up the decorations!

Good, Our break time's
over now. See ya' later!

Inlove With A Spirit (NaJ! PJ x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang