Is this a Dream or Reality? (Chapter 10)

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We head to Dr. Gaster's lab which may be a bit far away, But we had to at least try and ask Him if He can help Us find (Y/N).
This is My fault, if I hadn't yelled at Her like that She wouldn't have ran away from us.

31 minutes later we finally reach Dr. Gaster's lab, I got off of Aqua and he shapeshifted back into his human form.
We knocked on the door, Then we heard a faint "Just a second." voice.
We waited for at least 7 seconds and the door opened.

"Hello? Oh, PJ. What brings You here this afternoon? I see that You also bought a new Friend with you."
"Good afternoon Dr. Gaster, and this is Aqua, (Y/N)'s creation. And speaking of (Y/N), May You have an idea where She might be?"
"I'm afraid not, But I may be able to try and track her."
"Please do everything you can, We only have 12 more hours before she's broken forever.."
"I'll try My best, Come on in and We shall start."

Aqua and I nodded and went inside and closed the door behind Us.
Dr. Gaster tried His best to track Her location, Yes, It did help a bit.
But when We were able to track Her location right now We figured out that She's in a different place.

"She's there? But, That's not from here though."
"She's in a different AU, PJ."
"AU? What's an AU?"
"An AU is a shortcut for 'Alternate Universe'. And No, This AU not the only one that exist. There are different alternate versions of Everyone in each AU, For example; Your Underfell version is Papercut, Your VampireVerse version is Jasper, And there's many more."
"So If many AUs exist.......
Which of the AUs could she be in Right now?"
"Hm, Apparently this is an AU that was never really active much. I'll check the codes."

Dr. Gaster checked the AU's codes and got some Information.


AU Name: DarkLightTale
AU Creator: (Y/N) (L/N)
AU Created: June 17, 2019
(This AU is made by me btw and yes this is exactly its information- XD Idk what else to add- :'3)

"The AU's called 'DarkLightTale', You may be able to find Her there."
"Alright, Thank You for helping Us Dr. Gaster!"
"No problem, Just come by if You Guys need help with anything. I may be able to help You with whatever may happen in the future."
"Okay, Thanks again! Good afternoon and Goodbye for now!"
"Goodbye Mr. PJ and Mr. Aqua."
"Goodbye Dr. Gaster, Come on PJ."

I nodded and Aqua shapeshifted into a horse and I hopped on His back.
Aqua then started running to a waterfall.
"Why are We going to a waterfall?"
'My Brothers and I keep a secret portal and secret passage in there. You don't really have to duck to avoid water being in Your eyes or eyesockets, The water is not really true. Again, It's just a hallucination to make it look like a waterfall, But It's actually not. This is just to keep people away, It may look or feel like Water. But it's even if strangers come in here they won't be able to find the secret portal or secret passage.'

Aqua ran inside and I hopped off, Aqua shapeshifted back into His human form and stepped on a rock and an 'enter code' message appeared on the wall.
Aqua entered a code on it and a portal opened.

"You sure this is the portal to her AU?"
"100% sure."
"Alright, Lets go then."

Me and Aqua walked in it and it shut close behind us.
"Where are we now?"
"This is the ruins, This is where Ms. Toriel comes to check for any human that falls in the underground. This is also where you may meet Flowey."
"Come on, Let's just teleport to snowdin."
I nodded and Aqua teleported Us to Snowdin, Before I could look around Aqua suddenly pulled me and we his in a dark forest.
I looked at Aqua with a 'What's going on' look and he sighed and we both whispered.
"I was able to sense where She is, But She's not alone."
"What do you mean? Aren't there really supposed to be someone here?"
"No, This person she's with is not from this AU."
"Then who is it?"
"I met Him before, But He told Me not to tell Anyone about Him."
"Who is it?"
"If I tell You do You promise You won't tell Anyone or Anybody about Him?"
"I promise."
Aqua sighed and looked around
"Alright, His name is Ink."
"Ink? But, Isn't that-"
"No PJ, He's a different Ink, He's not Your Father from your AU, Again. There are Alternate People and Monsters in each Alternate Universe."
"Now again, Promise You won't tell Anyone a single thing about Him?"
"I promise."
"Lets go check closer."

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