Party (Part 2 of 'Singing Performance')

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All 9 of them finished singing.
Everyone clapped and cheered.

Goth went to Palette.
Cil went to Quill.
Lux went to Dream, Cross and NM.
Xahji went to Swifty, Siren, and Snazzy.
Cray went to CC. (It's Mr. Cotton not Cross Chara-)
Dust went to SF.
Killer went to Outer.
(Y/N) went to PJ.
PJ went to (Y/N).

"So that's the song you said you came up with when I said that you're Everything I need?"
"Yep, Did you like it?"
"No. I love it!"
PJ then picked up (Y/N) and spinned her around.
"Hehe! I loved yours too Jammy."
"Yours is still better!"
"No yours is!"
"Oh we're not gonna fight about this are we?"
They hugged each other and went to their siblings.

"Hey Sis! Good job on the singing performance!"
"Thanks, PJ inspired me back at the Truth or Dare game anyways, So might as well give him credit."
"Do what you want, I'll just be in the cafeteria. Want anything?"
"I can get things myself Bro."
"I don't want you to be tired."
"I don't want You to be tired because of me asking you to buy me things I can buy myself!"
"I don't care, Anyways. What do you want me to fetch you while I'm there?"
"Just a bottle of water."
"Mkay, See you later."
"See ya' Brother."
"Hey (Y/N)!"

I turned around and saw a girl with Blue-ish White hair that's tied into a bun and Light Blue eyes, She was wearing a short blue off-shoulder dress with long sleeves, Black leggings, Black knee high boots, And a moon necklace.
"Oh, Hello. Sorry, Not to be rude but, Who are you?"
"Oh! Hehe! My name is Glacies!"
"Oh, Well hello! Nice to meet you, I assume you already know my name since you just mentioned it."
"I suppose you're new here?"

"Com on (Y/N), we better get goin'. The party starts in an hour and a half. We don't wanna be late for the Party don't we?"
"Let's go."
"So do you have siblings that goes to this school too?"
"Mh, Just my Sis. Her name is Ignis."
"Oh, Okay."
"She's at the cafeteria buying some water for our way to the party."
"Huh, My Brother's also at the cafeteria buying water."
"Weird coincidence."
"Yep, Who knows? Maybe They'll be back here together."
"You didn't have to say that since they already are walking back here together."
"Wait what?"

We both looked over to the door and saw our siblings talking.
"I think you just predicted the right thing or something."
"Yeah, Seems so."
"Hey Sis! I just met a new friend!"
Chara and Ignis said in unison.
"Hey Bro/Sis!"
"Oh! By the way, That's my sister Glacies!"
"Nice to meet you Glacies, Ignis this is my sister (Y/N)!"
"Nice to meet you (Y/N)!"
"Eyyy Chara's the only male in the four of us!"
Ignis said as we all laughed.
"Let's go to hit the road!"
We all got to a limo and went to the Party.

The party was quite far from the school. Everyone already left because they had to set up a few more things, The only reason why Me and Chara stayed there for a while was because we were still preparing for the party.

The four of us had just finished dressing up when everyone else left.

I wore a White off-shoulder dress with long sleeves With our castle's Logo on my chest area of the dress, White tights, Blue medium-heels with small white snowflake symbols, My heart locket, My hair tied into a braid.

Chara wore a black hoodie with white long sleeve, A red T-shirt underneath, Black pants, red sneakers, and his heart locket.

Ignis wore a red half-sleeved(you know- the one that reaches to your elbows?-) dress with small orange fire symbols, Black knee-high socks, red flats, Yellow earrings, and her hair was tied into a half ponytail.(search it up if you don't know what it looks like :3)

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