Owo Nemesis-chan?

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Soooo... Knockout kinda stuffed (Y/N) into a cell and left her alone, but THANKFULLY he also stopped the energon from flowing out of her missing leg or else she would've, you know.

Died or something.

What a nice Decepticon- she learned that's what they call themselves, and this ship was named 'THE NEMESIS',- as Starscream drilled into her mind when she called it 'The Jolly Roger Pirate Ship.'

Now, since (Y/N) was pretty bored and their mistake was not tying her pede up, she hobbled over and used her helm to hold herself up and started to count how many mechs walked past her cell.

She furrowed her optical ridge when she was just watching the same mech pace back and forth for the past 20 kliks (minutes).

Does... Does he have no life?

(Y/n) shrugs. She's not judging.

She then realized after a few kliks that they were all different and not the same mech over and over again when three of them walked by at once...

She would've smacked her servos against her forehelm if it wasn't tied up.

(Y/n) was bored out of her processor, but she LOVED hearing the vehicons gossip.

"Comman... Lord Starscream would've offline that bot in the cell, but Soundwave stopped him. I wonder why."

"He seemed pretty spooked too, like he saw what earthlings call 'a ghost'."

"I don't know man, but I heard this bot is an important piece in his plan to mess with the Autobots."

They walked away though. Nooooo come back! Who's the bot in the cell?

Oh wait, that's probably her huh.

She almost started whining until she heard soft pedesteps coming towards her cell. They weren't the vehicons, she discovered that their pedesteps sound the same.

Well, mostly the same.

But she wasn't afraid, if this was Starscream again, what's he gonna do?

Shoot her other leg?



... actually he might-

Something sounded from in front of her interrupting her thought and making her look up, a long tendril reached through the bars that held her in, and she jumped back ready to fight.

And then proceeds to fall over.

Ah frag.

One of the tendrils snaked around the room and she was about to swipe at it with her pede.

"Come at me brah, I dare you!"

And it dared.

And closer it dared.


It was grasping onto something, and that something was a bright cube of delicious energon.



She sat up, wiggled over and snatched it away with her derma, gobbling it up like a starved racoon- which she was.

(Y/n) doesn't even remember the last time she ate.

Well she doesn't remember anything at all but that's besides the point at the moment.

Glitter for you!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora