A WHOOOLE NEW WOR- Err... Dimension?!

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Will (Y/n) finally get the answers she's been waiting for?

"So, THIS is the Groundbridge room..." (Y/n) wondered out loud, looking around at all the schematics on the screen. It was purple, of course, with so many strange words and patterns. Gary, one of her vehicon friends and Steve's best friend, was there, manning the operating screens and he had the controls to the Groundbridge in general.

It looks REALLY complicated.

Well, to her it did.

She can't read.

"Gary! Hello!"

"Hello, (Y/n)." The said vehicon waved to her as she got closer to the screen.

"Did that idio- ahem. Did Commander Starscream come through here?" Knockout asked him, he looked severely unimpressed, sassing his hips around as he walked alongside her.


Knockout? Using Starscream's proper title and everything? Is the world ending?

Gary nodded his helm, pointing towards a set of coordinates on the screen. "Yes, Commander Starscream had requested an emergency groundbridge, however he has yet to come through." 

Knockout groaned, pinching the bridge of his non-existent nose. "Merde! Always a headache. Too much work isn't good for my... What do those fleshies call it, skin! It turns me DULL!"


"You do nothing all day and you're still dull."

He whipped his helm around with a glare.

"What did you say?!"

"Nothing!" (Y/n) gave an innocent, angelic grin.

(Y/n) was nearly killed that day by a flying data pad.

"Starscream! Can you hear me right now, come through the portal, we're wasting precious resources keeping it open for you." Knockout spoke into the main comms, tapping his digits on the board.


"Starscream? Can you read me?"

Silence x2.

"Huh. You think he fell down and couldn't get up?" (Y/n) asked, rubbing her chin. "Who knows, he did seem desperate earlier." Gary replied as Knockout continued to spam the main comms.


"Oh would you shut up! I heard you the first two times!"

"There you are! Come through, what are-?!" 

Whilst those two were bickering like an old married couple, (Y/n) waddled silently to the portal. Gary was about to speak up, but she placed her digit on her dermas, grinning like a madman. Gary, the sweetest, respectfully doesn't say anything.

Just when she was about to go through...


Knockout whipped his helm around at the noise.

Ah... Frag.

"Is that my...?"

The container she had stuffed inside her secret pocket the last chapter had fallen out and onto the floor.

'Original protectant wipes for cars.'

Ah karma.

Quickly, she swiped it off the floor and jumped into the portal.

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