That time when I was sent to another dimension with an energon-thirsty zombie-

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Jasper, Nevada.

The entertainment capital in the world.

Sure, if you count nearly getting trampled by giant alien robots 'entertainment'.

At the very moment though they were all just here, as usual, it had been unusually quiet from the con's side these past few days, so no life-and-death situations for them.

Blowing the annoying strand of hair from his face, the moody teenager sunk into the old couch.

Despite being who knows how old (complimentary of Miko's scrapyard finds) it smelled brand-new.

Thanks to Ratchet's couch sanitizing technology.

Aside from the increase in patrols and Ratchet's crankiness at an all-time high, it was peaceful.

It was nice, just lazing around without the fear of dying every few seconds.

But he's gotten so used to it, it feels weird to just sit around.

Raf seemed okay too, he was just tweaking a gadget since Bumblebee was on patrol. After his near-death experience in the Decepticon warship, he came out a little shaken but he was more worried about Bumblebee than himself.

So Jack gave him a complimentary K.O happy meal for his bravery.

Miko on the other hand was restless, sprawled out and coloring a drawing she made with some crayons she probably snatched from the school's lost and found.

"It's called 'lost and found', Jack. Meaning it's lost, and I found it!!"

That's what she said anyways.

It was just an ordinary day for the unordinary kids.

Well, not everything was completely peaceful, as nothing in the world ever was.

Every single bot seemed on edge ever since that day.

He wasn't there personally, but he heard bits and pieces about what had happened.

After everybot- along with Raf- got stranded at the Polar cap, him being the next responsible human they know, was tasked with bringing them back.

Imagine his face when he was comfortable in bed after a shower with his facemask on and his phone started ringing, and when he picked it up it was Raf's sheepish voice along with all the bots in the background chorusing, "Hi Jack."

Agent Fowler on the other hand, was on another 3-day bible camp retreat or something so he couldn't be contacted.

He's not going to comment on that- it wouldn't be anything nice, ESPECIALLY since his beauty sleep was interrupted.


Gotta look good for Sierra, don't judge.

Cheerleaders don't like eyebags. That's the only reason he skipped the emo phase and straight to an edgy one.

Thankfully his mom was dead asleep after her 12-hour shift so it was an easy escape.

She didn't even wake up when Jack let out the GIRLIEST scream of his life when he opened the garage door and Miko was there with her roller-skates on huffing and puffing about how her 'Miko senses' were tingling.

Anyways, Miko and him had to ride on his bike all the way from home to the base in the middle of the night (Miko didn't want sand in her skates so he had to do twice the work) it was a workout.

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