Chapter 30- Importance

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The group got into separate cars. Melissa got y/n into the car with her and sped to the hospital.
"Those two boys like you don't they?" She laughed.
"Who? Derek and Theo?"
She nodded and smiled.
"Well I know Theo likes me. I don't know about Derek though. Dereks hard to read sometimes."
"Do you like him?"
"M-maybe a little."
She raised an eyebrow to the lying girl and y/n laughed.
"Okay yeah. I really like him. Apparently we used to be friends when I was a baby or something. Our families knew each other and he's a little bit older than I am so he remembers playing with me."
"That's cute. I've known Derek for a year or two and I know he doesn't take care of people like that unless he's really into them. Like with Scott. Derek is so different with every other guy than Scott. I think it's because Derek sees a lot of himself in Scott, but none the less it's very sweet. I can tell he really cares about you. Is he in love with you? I don't know, only he really knows. But do I think he could be? Absolutely."
She smiled at the last thought. Derek could be in love with me? That thought made her happy. Although, her heart dropped when she remembered Theo. Theo had basically gave his heart to her on a silver platter. She felt bad for having to reject Theo, but she thought she couldn't give up what she wanted with Derek.
They pulled up to the back of the hospital and snuck in.

Melissa sat her on a table and looked the girl over.
She looked at the bruising on y/ns neck and ran some tests on her. The pack stood in the back as they watched over her.
"We need to check your lungs." Melissa spoke after a short silence.
Y/n nodded and followed Melissa to a room where she got a chest x ray to check for fluid in the lungs.
The scans came back normal so Melissa knew there wasn't any lung damage.
"So you just have some bruising on your chest, substancial bruising on your throat, a little bit of trauma to your larynx which is why you have a gravelly voice and a little bit of trouble breathing. If your breathing gets worse, let me know so we can come back to get more tests done. For now you're okay. Just ice your neck and try to minimize dangerous activities."

Stiles woke up and looked to see no one there.
Hudson walked into the room and sat on the couch across from the restrained kid.
"Hey, I'm Hudson. I was chosen to watch over you. Are you like still spelled?"
"I don't think so."
"Good. Now we can chat."
"About what?"
"I don't know. You're the only human in the group right?"
"Doesn't it like really suck?"
"No, not really. I kinda like it actually."
"But it must be so boring and stupid to be the only one who doesn't have powers or something. Don't you kinda feel weak and outcasted?"
"No, I know I'm not gonna be able to help as much as another person in our pack, but I know that I have just as an important position as another. Just because I'm human in a pack of supernaturals doesn't mean I'm useless."
"Yeah well I feel useless."
"Why's that?"
"When we were younger, y/n and I were attacked by a witch. The witch tried to attack me but y/n stood in front of me and took it for me. I didn't know if she was going to live. I remember just sitting there and not being able to do anything. I remember in that moment I was blaming myself and telling myself that if she died it would have been my fault. I still blame myself and try to help her any moment I can. I guess it's basically my life to return the sacrifice."
"Would you sacrifice your life for her if it came down to it?" Stiles asked cautiously.
"Absolutely, in a heartbeat."
"But is it because you feel indebted to her or because you love her?"
"Because I love her." There was a pause in his speech "or maybe it's a little bit of both."
"Hudson, you have to realize you're not just dead weight. She loves you. She wants you around. You make her happy and you make her smile. I saw that as soon as you walked onto the field that day when you were introduced. She couldn't stop smiling. She loves you. Don't forget that. That's what I still have to say to myself. You are important."
"Thanks dude. It really helped."
"No problem. Now can you unchain me?"
"I don't think I should."
"W-What? Come on! Please?"
Hudson got up from the chair and walked out of the room.
"Hudson? Please? Hudson?"
There was no answer so Stiles gave up and slumped into the chair.

"Y/n is going to need a ride home. I have to clean all of this up and act like nothing happened." Melissa groaned as she looked at the pack.
"I'll take her." Derek spoke as his arms were crossed.
"Thanks Derek." Melissa said quickly as she wiped down the table. Y/n hopped off and Derek took her to his car.

"Damn, nice ride." I said as we neared his car.
"How did you afford this?!"
"I basically inherited everything since my entire family was burned alive."
I was silent when I realized what I said was insensitive.
"Oh, right. Yeah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"It's okay. This is the best decision I've ever made. Granted it was made under bad circumstances but i could have done a lot worse than buy an expressive car with my parents money."
"That's true." I nodded my head and pointed to him.
Derek laughed and turned on the car.

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