Chapter 25- thats it

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"SATURDAY!" Y/n cheered as she ran full speed down the stairs.
"You're way too excited about this. It's literally a boring Saturday." Hudson groaned as he rubbed his head.
"It's Saturday, Hudson. Which means, no school." She started jamming to her happiness.
"Well then that means you'll have work today, then you'll stay till like six because you and your little supernatural friends."
"Yep! Oh shoot! I gotta go! Bye!" Y/n ran out the door and Hudson sighed.
"Bye." He mumbled, knowing she wouldn't hear it.
He wiped off the counters and stopped when he saw a picture.
It was a picture of y/n and the pack.
He felt conflicted on wether he was happy or sad.
He was happy because she finally had someone other then him to understand her, but he was also sad because he didn't want to share her. He was never really good at it. He once beat up someone for a man asking her for directions.
He put the photo back down and went to take a shower.

Y/n went to work and the day was busy. She was so busy cleaning up after nervous puppies and sick cats that she completely forgot about the supernatural.
After work, the pack walked in and they all looked sad.
"Another death. A little girl. Aged six. She was a beacon hills resident." Stiles recited.
"Wow. Now this is really throwing us off." Deaton shook his head.
They laid out all of the photos, summaries, details and scenarios but couldn't connect everything.
They sat there for an hour connecting and connecting but nothing.
"Well I'm gonna bounce early. Hudson is lonely at home so I'm gonna go keep him company." Y/n spoke up.
"Okay. Bye." Lydia said in a singsongy voice.

Y/n opened the front door and saw Hudson sleeping on the couch. She pushed back his hair and rubbed his cheek with the back of her index finger. He woke up and saw her standing over him.
"What happened? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah. We couldn't figure anything out so I came home. You could use some company. Want to go get ice cream?"
Hudson smirked and got into the car.
Y/n laughed as she got into the passenger seat. They rolled down the windows as blasted music as they both sang.
They pulled up to the ice cream parlor and got ice cream. They sat outside as the sun started to fade.
"Okay so tell me what has been going on in your life. I miss talking to you like old times." Y/n begged.
"Well not much." He shrugged.
"Oh come on! No girls? No scholarships? Nothing?"
"Oh. I did do this paper that I got a 100 on that everyone else practically failed." He laughed.
Y/n smiled in pride and asked him what it was about.
"Well it was on point of view. It was on different sides of arguments. My stance was that sometimes people get so caught up in their side that they miss the huge staple of the argument that's right in front of them."
Y/ns eyes widened as she got flashes of memories.
"THATS IT!" She screamed.
"What?? What's it?!"
She jumped out of the seat and threw her ice cream away.
"I'll call you later!" She screamed.
She ran to the clinic which wasn't too far away.
She screamed. Everyone looked at her as she huffed.
"I know! I know how it connects!" She huffed.
"How??! How does it connect?!" Liam gasped.
"Someone!! Give me Lydia's notebook and my spell book!"
Stiles threw y/n her spell book and Lydia handed over her sketchbook.
She tore our Lydia's drawing and apologized. Lydia shrugged and y/n opened her spell book.
Y/n overlapped the drawings of the pentagrams over each other.
"I knew I saw this somewhere before!" Y/n cheered.
"Okay well what does it mean?"
"I-I don't know. I'd have to go home and look at my library." Y/n shrugged and shook her head.
"You have a library?!" Stiles gapped
"Full of witchy books and information!" Derek added.
"You know about it?!" Stiles gapped again.
"Yeah. I helped her search. She was the one who helped us find out about witches and their shape shifting in the first place." Derek explained.
"That was you?" Stiles squeaked.
"YES." Everyone shouted at him.
"And everyone figured it out but me?"
Nobody continued to answer his questions.
"Okay. Well let's go to your house and see these books. We can all help you search." Scott decided.
Y/n nodded and they all got into cars and followed the car Y/n was in with Scott.
"There!" Y/n pointed to the brick house with a dark roof.
Scott seemed shocked as he pulled in.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Y-yeah. I'm fine." Scott stuttered.
They got out and she opened the door. Hudson was taken back by the pack walking in.
"Hudson, you need to help us. Get into the nook and pull out all witch ritual books. We are gonna figure this out." Hudson nodded and walked to the nook. He laid stacks and stacks of books out.
They all sat down and opened them.
Whenever y/n picked up a book she always got the feeling that they wouldn't hold the answers.
Soon she was jolted with electricity.
She stood straight up and her eyes went black.
"Yo. You okay?" Stiles asked suspiciously.
"Give me a minute." She shushed.
She felt a pull on her body and she let it along. She walked up the stairs and turned to a wall. Her eyes faded out and she regained control again. Everyone ran up the stairs and looked at the witch who was staring at the wall.
"What is it?" Mason asked.
"I-I don't know. I just feel some sort of pulse coming from in here."
"There's Nothing in there." Scott snapped.
"How do you know that?" She asked as she pressed her hand against the wall.
"Because this is Alison's house." Scott cried out.
The pack was shocked.
"Who's Alison?" Y/n asked.
"She was my girlfriend." Scott sniffled.
"Was?" Y/n prodded.
"She died. A couple years ago."
Y/n felt sympathy wash over her.
She was living in his ex girlfriends house.
"Im sorry Scott. I didn't know."
Scott shook it off.
"No no. It's okay. Let's just see if there's something here."
Y/n focused on the wall and felt something pulling toward her. Her eyes turned black again and she pulled and pulled. Her hand emitted a yellow glow as she felt pressure.
She was pushed back from a wave of energy.
She hit the ground with a thud and held up her hand.
She held a book. One with marking and engravings she'd never seen before.
"What is it?" Theo asked half curious.
"I don't know. This is on a whole new level."

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