Chapter 8- little witch

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Y/n started to hang out with Scott and his group more.
Stiles was probably her best friend now and all of his jokes couldn't make her laugh any harder.
They were two peas in a pod when it came to comedy.
"Would you guys stop actually being best friends? It's weird." Liam commented.
Y/n laughed and high fived stiles.
She walked away and Stiles spoke
"Scott I like her. She's cool. Keep her alive."
Theo got transferred to the one class Y/n would refuse to have him see her in which is calculus.
Y/n was drawing when she got called out.
"Ms. L/n. Would you happen to be writing calc equations in that book?"
"No sir."
"Then stop."
She rolled her eyes and huffed as the bell rang. Y/n walked out of class in a ball of anger.
She slammed her locker shut and walked out of the school. She looked back to see Theo trying to catch up but she refused to let him see her this angry. Y/n got into Hudson's car and told him to drive home immediately.
"What happened to you today?" He asked.
"Nothing." Y/n gritted her teeth.
"Hmmm. That tone doesn't seem like nothing."
"I got mocked by my calc teacher again and it wouldn't be that big of a deal if my actual worst frenemy, emphasis on the enemy, just didn't HAPPEN to move into that EXACT class and hour and he just HAPPENED to call me out today."
It was silent.
"Who's the frenemy?"
"It's not... that's not... Just drive!"
"It sounds like you have a crush!"
"I don't have a crush! He's the LAST person I'd fall in love with."
Y/n was too frustrated and tired to ever finish the conversation.

She got out of the car and put on a pair of tennis shoes.
"I'm going for a run Hudson!"
"Okay! Be back by six!"
Y/n ran out into the woods taking all her anger out with every step.
Y/n ran past an empty lot with not much rubble left in it.
"Wow." She whispered to herself.
"I know." A low voice rang behind her. Y/n turned to see a young man look at her.
"Don't worry. I'm not here to hurt you." He said "I'm Derek Hale."
Hale? My mom used to know a hale. She talked to herself.
"I'm y/n l/n" It was quiet and then she spoke up "does anyone in your family have the name Talia?"
"My mom, why?"
"Well my mom used to know someone named Talia Hale. I was wondering if you knew anything about it."
"What's your moms name?"
"Yeah. I know about her. They used to be best friends."
"My mom died a while ago. Probably before you could remember anything."
"How old are you?" She asked.
"Twenty four, how about you?"
"You're young for this town."
"Most supernatural are older then you. You must have known about it for a while."
"I-I don't know what you're talking about." Y/n lied.
"Don't worry. I'm a werewolf. I can sense you're supernatural. A witch?"
"My mom was. And generations before that. But I never had the chance to become one."
"Just because you don't have the abra cadabra magic doesn't mean you aren't a witch."
Y/n smiled at how he used the same term as she did a long time ago. Y/n checked her phone as it buzzed and it was Hudson yelling at her to get home.
"I gotta go. My best friend is really mad at me."
"Alright little witch."
"Bye Derek."
He watched y/n walk away and she felt really close to him. She felt instantly comfortable with him. Not to mention her face was really hot.
Already a crush? Wow y/n. You really gotta stop being so thirsty.
One thing she noticed were the types of connections she had with people. His felt open and protective.
She couldn't help but feel bad for his family though. She put two and two together and realized his family must have died in a fire. The rubble was ash and burnt wood.
Y/n walked in the white front door and looked to see Hudson tapping his foot with his arms crossed.
"Well look who's half a freaking hour late."
"Sorry mom." She snarked.
"I have a lasagna in the oven if you want it."
"Did my mom posses you or something?" Y/n scanned him up and down to see if he was okay. He didn't move but stared at her as she did him.
"Okay well I'm gonna go take a shower, you sit here and eat."
Y/n sat down and served herself a slice of lasagna.
Y/n ate in silence and finished her plate.
She walked upstairs and got into bed. She turned out her light and fell right to sleep.

The Iron Witch Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora