Chapter 20- fights

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Y/n threw open the door with a sob and stumbled into the house.
Hudson ran out of the kitchen to see his best friend crying in a ball by the front door.
"What the hell happened?" He asked as he helped her pick herself up.
"They know. They know about me."
Hudson's eyes went wide with fear and sympathy.
"I tried to stop a witch. I pushed her back and they saw!"
"What are you talking about? How could they figure out your history from that?"
"N-no. I... I used magic."
"You WHAT?" Hudson exploded.
"I knew magic was the only way to stop the elder witch, so last night I did a thing and now I have magic. I'm a witch... surprise." Y/n whispered the last bit but Hudson just looked at her with a blank face. She couldn't even tell how he was feeling. Sad, angry, happy, none of it. He was completely stone faced.
"H-Hudson? Are you mad?"
He shook his head and still didn't change facial expression or say anything.
"I-I just... I'm scared for you. Now that you're actually a witch, they will come for you ten times faster."
"But that's the thing. They haven't. I thought this whole thing was about getting me. But since I moved here, barely anything has happened."
"That doesn't mean they aren't coming for you."
"I know that. But I'm not in immediate danger either."
Hudson sighed and looked at his best friend. He didn't know how he'd ever control her.
She's my best friend. She's always been there for me. I owe it to her to protect her with my life. He thought as he saw her walk into the kitchen.
Hudson followed behind her and met her gaze when she saw the dinner he'd placed out.
"What's this for?" She asked.
"Well. I know you've been stressed out lately and you just needed something to make you feel better so I thought dinner was a good idea."
She smiled at him and threw her aroma around his neck.
"Thank you." She mumbled.
"Anything for my best friend."
They let go of each other and y/n sat down as Hudson served her.
They ate in a comfortable silence and departed after dinner.
Y/n sat in her room reading her spell book when a there was a knock on her door.
Hudson opened the door and walked in, peeking at his best friend.
"Hey. Can I talk to you?" He asks calmly.
"Sure." She shrugged as she put her book down.
"I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted." He spoke.
"What do you mean?" She chuckled.
"I mean... I feel like I spoke a little too harsh and I wanted to apologize."
"You didn't do anything wrong. You didn't say anything wrong either. What you said was true."
"Y-yeah I know but... I just want to make sure you're not mad at me."
"Hudson, you're literally my best friend. It would take a lot for me to hate you."
"I promise." Y/n nodded her head.
Hudson wrapped his best friend up in his arms and smiled.
"Good, because you're the only one I want to be stuck with."
Y/n laughed and Hudson let go of her.
"I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight y/n."
"Goodnight Hudson."
He walked out out and y/n picked up her book again.
It was quiet for the new witch until she heard a pat on her window.
Another tick sounded and she looked over.
Another tap rang and she noticed it was pebbles.
She walked over to her window and looked down to see Theo standing below her.
"Can I come in?" He asked throwing his hands out in question.
"Maybe." She responded.
"Imma take that as a yes." He pointed to her and then climbed up the house.
He crawled in through her window and she stood back.
"How in the hell did you do that?" She asked as she scoffed.
"Werebeast, remember? I can do a lot of things." He winked
"Ew. Perv." She slapped his forearm.
"Oh so you're calling me names now?" He raised an eyebrow and walked toward her.
"Maybe. Why? Does it get to you?" She asked as she backed up to a wall.
"Mmmm. Maybe a little bit but... ya know what gets to me that most?" He asked huskily as he pressed his body up against hers and leaned his head down to her lips.
"What?" She asked.
"You." He whispered and kissed her.
She pushed herself away. She didn't want to kiss him. She thought of Derek when Theo pushed in closed. Soon she filled with fear and sorrow and she pulled away.
"I'm sorry. I can't do this." She whispered as she averted her gaze.
"Oh, okay."
"Wait wait wait. You're not mad?" She asked.
"Mad?" He asked scrunching his eyebrows
"Ya know. About the whole rejection thing?"
"I... I don't know yet."
"You don't know yet? What does that mean?"
"I-I-I just... I can't tell."
"What the hell does that even mean?! You know what... get out." She scolded
"I said get out! I cant do this right now. I just want to sleep."
"I don't understand."
"Just GET OUT!" Y/n screamed.
Theo scrunched his eyebrows in sadness and turned.
"And Theo?" She added as he reached the window.
He turned, a little bit of hope inside him. "Don't try to talk to me at school tomorrow."
He nodded sadly and turned to go out the window.
She did it a little out of anger for what he did but mostly because she was scared of people getting hurt for her. And so her pushing away starts

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