Return of a Friend

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(((Jesus that was a long time. Sorry for the wait, fellas! Dear god writing in Y/N's perspective is gonna be hard.))

I looked up at the Boss, his expressionless eyes looking down at me. He looked angry, but I didn't know why. "You failed," he growled, his deep voice echoing throughout the room. "Today was the first day I let you out of the mansion, the first day I allowed you to fight them, and you failed." My head lowered, and I watched the water seeping out of my skull and onto the floor. An endless, continuous stream of liquid.

The fear in my hollowed chest was strong enough to block out any pain I felt as the beast leaned forward, down to my level, staring me in the eyes. "I'm sorry," I choked out, my voice threatening to break. "I didn't mean to let them get away, they were just-"

"Enough," the boss grumbled, standing back up. "You go out there and you find those Pastas. You infiltrate their base, and you bring me the head of their new leader." I gasped, looking up at him with shocked eyes. "You have until the end of the week, (Y/N)."

I nodded in understanding, knowing full well what would happen if I didn't come back with the head. Maybe I just won't come back, I thought, knowing full well that would never happen. Turning back out of the room, I made my way down the hall. What a mansion, ruined and in despair. I didn't know where to find the Pastas, or where to find their new leader. After our most recent attack, it was doubtful the leader would show their face outside for a very long time.

And that was time I didn't have.

I reached the front door, lucky enough to not be stopped by any of the other Alternates as I opened it and bolted into the night ahead.

I stared down at the plans on the desk, eyes narrowed in frustration. "This isn't going to work," I told Magister. She peeked over my shoulder, nodding in agreement before floating over the desk and standing on the other side.

We were in Slenderman's office in the skyscraper, the light from the candles barely giving enough brightness to light up the desk alone. Such a shabby comparison to the office he had at the mansion. The floors were tattered, wallpaper scrolling up the walls, windows left in shatters.

I took a look at the chair behind me, feeling emotions begin to well up in my chest. Slenderman's chair. The leader of the Creepypasta, dead and gone. He gave me leadership of them now, but I couldn't bring myself to sit in the place he sat.

With a trembling hand, I pulled my cellphone from my pocket. Clicking the screen on, I went to my contacts and began to scroll.

Ann (Nurse)....




I kept scrolling until my eyes came across a name I haven't thought about for a while now.

Tim. I stared at the name a while before clicking the phone off again. We agreed that he was retired from Pasta stuff, I agreed to leave him and his (Y/N) to their own life. He had a baby to deal with, and a wife now at that. No matter how badly I wanted to talk to him, I refused to break the promise I made him. I shoved my phone back into my pocket, drumming my fingers against the desk as I glanced back up at Magister.

She watched me with an interested look on her face, saying, "So let me get this straight, you want to talk to your pal there, but won't?" I rolled my eyes and turned my back on her, bringing myself face to face with Slender's chair. The weight of the situation weighed down on me once again. I gripped the edge of the desk, feeling my knuckles go white. I didn't want to sit in that chair. I refused to believe that Slenderman was dead.

Magister floated herself behind the chair, looking into my eyes as she went, "Brian, nothing's gonna get better by denying what happened."

"Oh and you're so suddenly wise?" I growled, turning back to the plans on the desk.

"Brian," Magister continued, "you need to accept the fact he's gone." I could feel her glowing green eyes staring at me, awaiting my reply.

I shrugged, balling my hands into fists. "Magister," i grumbled, "I was the first proxy Slenderman ever had. I gave myself the title of Proxy. He raised me into who I am today and he just-.... I just need some time to process the fact he's dead."

Before Magister could nod in understanding, or reply at all for that matter, the door to the office swung open. "Brian," Sally shouted, looking excited. "Bubby you need to come see this! The first floor bubby, the lobby!" She bolted back out, jumping and giggling happily with each step as she rushed downstairs.

"I can teleport us there," Magister said. I nodded, feeling the stretching crushing feeling of being teleported for mere moments before we were finally in the lobby. Sally came up behind us, running straight to the front door. She looked happier than a child on Christmas.

Sally grinned widely, grasping the front door handle in her small hands and pulling it open before any of us could stop her. I watched in terror as the door swung open.

Any of the Pastas in the lobby prepared for a fight, prepared to face the Darkpastas. Weapons drawn, poses battle-prepped, faces scrunched. But on the other side of the door was a familiar face, one I was relieved to see.

His dark brown hair glimmered in the moonlight, a small cloud of cigarette smoke furling and unfurling itself around his body as he stared at me with his dark brown eyes. A smile crept across his face, and it was only natural for my own face to follow suit. The shoulders of his yellow-orange jacket shook a bit with a laugh as he spoke. "Well, this place looks like crap."

I stared at him, pacing forward to greet him properly. I pulled my hood down, looking at him face to face as I beamed. "Well fatherhood's not treating you that great either, dude," I joked, clapping him on the shoulder.

He returned the gesture, his smile growing wider as he continued, "It's been a while, Hoods."

"Yeah," I agreed, "but you can call me Brian for now."

"Brian," he tried. The name sounded foreign on his tongue as he spoke, and he immediately shook his head. "No," he grumbled, "no, no, nope, not going to happen. Been to long. Just gonna call you Hoods."

The sadness of Slender's passing left my mind as I let out a real, genuine laugh, clasping onto his shoulder and pulling him in for a hug as I chided, "It's great to see you again, Tim."

To Remember 3 : The Alternates ( Hoodie X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now