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Chapter 8: "TO THE WELL!!!"


(((((This is a long part. I had a bit of stuff to clear up before I continued any further.)))))

((((((Hey guys! A little note before this gets started. I apologize for my big break in Wattpad, but I'm up and running for this story again! I have all the chapters planned out and where this story is going, as well as a new story. It involves a ritual that frees Zalgo, the Book of Slender (a spell book the Creepypastas use for different things), and the 8 pages. This new book will be in development for quite some time, it may not be posted until the middle of June. I won't post any of the new book until this book is finished. Anyway, I hope you're enjoying where this story is going. (P.s. for the new book series, pick who the lucky Creepypasta is going to be. IF you want it to be an x Reader. It doesn't have to be. Also, I would enjoy getting some OCs to be some of Zalgo's henchmen.) Enjoy! And yes this is still a Hoodie x Reader, it's just gonna turn out kinda strange in the end. You'll love it. I hope. I KNOW I LOVE IT!!! Sorry for taking so long to update!)))))

The Darkpastas didn't seemed too pleased with the idea of the battlefield being closer to even. They bared their teeth at us, slowly closing in. "They're getting closer," I cautiously told Magister and Stark.

Stark glanced at them over his shoulder, a grin creeping up onto his cheeks. "Let them."

I felt myself go pale, but Stark just smiled and Magister simply laughed. Then one of the Darkpastas, Dark Masky I believe, lunged at us. But then went... through us?

Yeah. Through us. Masky started to curse string after string of profanity, glaring at the spot we stood. "Come out and fight, you magic freaks," he snarled, his glitching figure becoming more distorted. His eyes burned a hateful red."Show yourselves! I know you're still here!"

"Nah," Magister laughed, floating circles around Masky's head. "That wouldn't be fun."

Masky snarled louder, swatting around his head as if he felt Magister's presence. "Maybe not for you," he growled. "But definitely for me."

He continued glaring at the spot we stood. His blazing eyes narrowed and a sickening grin crossed his face as he began to lunge at us once more. It was almost heartbreaking to watch someone I called friend reduced to something so low.

"Masky," I said quietly, my voice shaking, "you don't have to do this."

He laughed, replying, "Oh, but I want to."

"Are you sure I can trust you?" the Operator growled, looming over the figure beneath him.

The figure nodded with certainty, replying, "I am sure. My plans never fail, sir. I just need the book." (((((I know what I said. But I thought that maybe I could use the book in here. You'll see what I'm doing.)))))

Operator let out a ferocious snarl, saying, "The book is sacred to our survival, you know that."

"And yet the book belongs to me." With an equally violent snarl, the figure sized up Operator and added, "I only gave you the book for safe keeping."

"How do I know you're not an imposter?"

"An imposter would kneel before you when commanded," the figure said in its own snarky tone. "And anyone trying to impose me would end up dead almost instantly. Now, then. The book?"

Operator hissed in defeat, trudging into the shadows and returning moments later with a bound leather book in his grasp. Four holes were burrowed into the corners of the cover, as well as a pale, white, upside-down teardrop with a keyhole adorning the bindings of the book. With a snap of his fingers, Operator held out his hand to reveal four gems, equal in size and shape but differing in color. The gems fell into place on the book's cover. "You know where the key is," Operator said darkly, handing the book over to the figure.

"I will be sure to return this book to your care," the figure thanked with a nod. "We both know what happened the last time this book was left in my hands for too long."

(A few hours after Hoodie came back through the pond)



You thought to yourself, "My eyes must be closed. I can't be dead. I feel myself, I am breathing. I have a pulse." But it was so cold.

So terribly cold.

And wet.

And even though you were breathing, you could feel water soaking into your lungs. A burning pain spread through your chest. You tried moving your head to no avail. Everything was stiff, and you felt as though you were floating. Turns out you were.

"It has been done," a deep voice boomed. You felt yourself slowly being lowered to the ground. In front of you stood the tall, faceless man from before. But you didn't feel any fear towards him. "Bow down to me," he growled, looming over your small form.

You did as he said, shocked by your own movements. The tall man lifted your head to face him as he continued, "You will serve me, is that understood?"

No, you thought to yourself,but what came out was, "Of course, sir."

"By the ancient rules we abide by," the tall man shouted, turning to the other scary people surrounding him and you, "this child is now one of us."

You didn't like the sound of that.

To Remember 3 : The Alternates ( Hoodie X Reader )Where stories live. Discover now