Update Competitions!!!

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Guys I am SO VERY SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING RECENTLY!!!!! With it being my senior year of high school, I've been more stressed and busy than normal.

I will do my best to update at least three chapters in my books by December 1st. Which books? First three books of mine commented (replied) below will be the ones. And if two separate people comment the same book, I will do two for that book. You are allowed to comment or request more than one book, but it will not count if you request twice the same book to be updated. Okay? Get those choices coming in!

I have more than just my Hoodie x Reader book, just find a book, ANY of my books (even the completed ones ;) just in case you're wondering)., and if you want me to update it, reply below! If I can't get the three done by December 1st, I will take FIVE to get done by Christmas. Okay? Okay!

And by the way guys, I may or may not do that livestream this new year! You can give me song requests to play during the livestream, because it may or may not be 24 hours like I tried to last year.... I will even try getting a few bigger YouTubers on to join me if you want? If not I can do it by myself, no problem. I got my dad to back me up if all else fails. #GoodGuyGreg!

Heck even suggest YouTubers I should try getting in contact with! Or if you want, nudge them in my direction in their YouTube comments! Pizza Faythe would be my YouTube channel if you're actually awesome enough to nudge them my way. P.S. I would love you for all eternity if you actually did. I may be a YouTuber myself and enjoy being small as I am, but to get anywhere else I need help from the big guys........ *cough cough MARKIPLIER-SENSEI cough cough*


Your not-so-favorite author

~Jinx IllusionTheProxy

To Remember 3 : The Alternates ( Hoodie X Reader )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum