One Fight Scene Later...

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Chapter 9: "One Fight Scene Later"

One epic fight scene later, ((( cause the author is lazy as FUCK i guess))) Jinx, Stark, Magister and I had all gotten away from the Darkpastas. It took a while for us to make sure no one was following us, but it was worth it. We were back in the woods, a place I had missed dearly over the past few weeks. And although it has been a decent amount of time since I had been in these woods, I could see clearly that we were headed towards the mansion.

"Magister," I growled, trusting the floating woman even less than I did before we started our venture. "Why are you leading us towards the mansion?"

Maigister chuckled, shaking her head as she mumbled, "Did any of you ever go BEHIND the hedges in the backyard?" Well, no, I thought to myself. No I had not! "Because there is a well directly behind the shrubbery. One of the many entrances to where the Nightmare League lives in the tunnels."


This time, it was Jinx who sighed. "There is a system of tunnels under the woods, full of rooms, twists, and turns. The Nightmare League has lived there for a few decades, Stark finding it when he was about 6. He founded the Nightmare League then."

I narrowed my eyes, training them on the mossy ground beneath our feet. "Then, why were you a proxy?"

"I needed the training. I was just a year old when Stark found the tunnels, so he gave me to Slender for him to raise. I've known the pastas since I was a baby, but none of you ever seem to remember me."

Her words sounded hurt, almost mourning for herself. But her face was stone-hard and emotionless. I wanted to cheer her up, to ask her how she was July or how she was still alive, but noting could come out of my mouth. It wasn't like I didn't know how she felt. Over the last month, Masky became a father and became Tim once more to leave the Creepypasta for good, the Darkpastas found their way through the Pond of Alternate Realities, and my boss died an unfair death.

Richard had always been one to try and look for the good in everybody, which is most likely what made him loose the fight. No matter how hard he was searching, he couldn't find any good in the darker part of himself.

I will admit though, the (Y/N) in this reality really turned us around for the best. We've stopped killing, we got a truce with Operator and his henchmen, and we even got Zalgo to leave us alone.

Too bad Richard wasn't here anymore.

It was a mistake to blurt out my feelings like that. Now, Brian was in his own little world. His eyes were low and downcast. And we were almost near the well. If it came to it, I would shove him down the well. No options left, go with the best option available; even if it included violence.

For once, Magister was silent. She could feel the sorrow Brian and I were going through; just another one of her wonderful skills. Stark had stayed behind to keep an eye on the Pastas, and make sure the Darkpastas were keeping their distance.

"We're here," Magister whispered, breaking the uncomfortable silence building between the three of us. I tore my eyes away from Brian, seeing a familiar well a few feet in front of me. Brian didn't waste a second, trowing his legs over the edge and falling right on in to the dark depths of the entrance. Magister and I followed silently behind.

I drew my claw back in, staring blankly at the new scratch I had made in the wall. Just another day in this wretched darkness. This eternity of nightmares and disaster. But another day closer to the day I could escape.

But today was different. Today, I heard the echo of footsteps approaching my hallway. The doors to my throne room swung open, revealing a grey Slenderman. "Ah," I chuckled, "you must be one of those Darkpastas my minions keep talking about. You're the big boss, I see. Do you still go by Slenderman?"

"Yes," he replied, his voice just as full of glitches as his figure. "I've come seeking an alliance with-"

"Sorry, pal," I interrupted. "This is my reality just as much as it is theirs, I have no intentions of assisting the ones I consider enemies."

He didn't seem too thrilled with that statement. His blank face ripped open with a gross ripping sound that sent chills down my own spine. Inky black tentacles sprung from his back, charging at me and piercing through my dark red skin. "I don't appreciate your choice," the Dark Slenderman growled, curving the ends of his tentacles into hook shapes and yanking them back out through the other side of me. He turned and began walking away as he muttered, "I'll just borrow a few of your minions, if you don't mind."

Although the wounds he had given me hurt like hell, I kept my posture straight and proper until he left the room and closed the doors. Only once I was sure he had gone did I fall and clutch my bleeding wounds. A lighter, less glitching figure stepped out from behind my throne, holding out his hand and saying, "Back to business, Zalgo."

I chuckled. "You always have been heartless, huh?" I reached down into the mouth on my chest, grasping onto something from inside and ripping it out. It hurt, but not as much as the bleeding wounds. In my hand I held an obsidian key, now dripping with my blood. The book in the figure's hands glowed eagerly with the key in such a close proximity. "You know," I warned the figure, "this is a very bad idea. Don't you remember what happened last time?"

The figure snarled, yanking the key from my grasp and fluently unlocking the book. "(Y/N) was still a human when I did this to her. I, however, am one of the Underworld beings."

The book glowed even brighter as the lock unlocked. The four gems came out of the book, circling the shadowed figure, bathing it and the book in a dazzling spectrum of lights. "Adducere mihi ad vitam," the figure began chanting, it's body becoming more and more solid with each repeated phrase. "Adducere mihi ad vitam. ADDUCERE MIHI AD VITAM!"

(((((HELLO EVERYONE!!! I DID A THINGY!!! LOOKIE HERE!!! I DID A DO!!! LIKE IT?!? DO YA?!?GOSH it feels so weird to be writing fanfiction again. After so long of writing actual original stories, it's just a weird return! Check out my YouTube channel for weird stuff! ( I do art and games, and sometimes memes) and check out this link too! It's been a bit hectic with art and videos and work, so sorry for the very long break! Next chapter will probably be from (Y/N)'s point of view, and this mystery figure might be revealed! Love you all! Like and favorite, and be sure to follow for notifications of when I update!))))

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