Swinging Wild

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Chapter 3: "Swinging Wild"

"No," Sally whispered. I looked over at Sally, watching her wide eyes quickly fill with tears. I nodded slowly, taking a deep breath as I sighed, "He told me to take these people here. I don't know who everyone is yet."

Jinx stood by my side,saying out loud for everyone to hear, "Richard would not want us to mourn this loss. He would want us to prepare for battle."

"And how do you know what Richard would want, stranger?" The voice sounded hateful and angry, and I glanced up to see Tobias glaring at me.

With a steady expression, Jinx hissed back, "Because I've known Richard longer than any of you. Does that answer your questions, Tobias Rodgers?"

I looked at Tobias, watching his expressiom darken as he growled, "You little bitch." In a flash he charged at you, swinging his fist towards her face. Before I could open my mouth and before his fist could make contact, Jinx caught his fist in her palm.

Her eyes went dark, a thick green sludge seeping out of them as her violet hair turned the same glowing green as the sludge. "Did you just swing at me," she said, her voice crackling like flames as she stared Tobias down. Tobias's eyes grew wide, and he began shaking in shock.

"Last person to swing at me," Jinx continued, "ended up impaled to a tree. Deep in the woods. Left to die." Everyone in the room watched as leafy vines tore through the skin on Jinx's arm, snaking towards her hand before they entangled themselves around Tobias's arm and trailed up it. "I wouldn't suggest being next in line."

(((((Sorry for this being so short and taking so long to write. But hey, at least I updated right? I will try updating more and making those updates longer. Love you all. And hey, seems to be a bit of tension amongst the normals! :) Amyways, (y/n) will be back into the series within the next five chapters. You'll meet the her-in-this-book her, I promise!)))))

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