Mr. Richard Williams ;)

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Chapter Title: "Mr. Richard Williams ;)"

(Richard still)
I flinched as I neared the door, clearly surprised as Logan, Brian and I all go through the door. No alarm or anything, just through the door.

A pair of feet came into view, a pair of simple purple flipflops adorning them. I groaned, rubbing my head as I mumbled, "Hello, Jinx." The wearer of the purple flipflops crouched down, craning her neck to look me in the eyes.

"Mr. Williams, Sir, you have no idea how excited I am to be out of that mucky basement!" She balled her hands into fists in excitement, her enthusiasm glimmering in her violet eyes. Glaring up at her, I replied, "Oh I have my guesses." I got a bit confused when she mentioned a basement, though. The mansion never had a basement in this reality. Nothing to worry about at that point, I guess.

I stood up and brushed myself off, yanking Brian to my feet next to me. "Could we hurry this along?" I asked her. "I don't feel comfortable leaving everyone on their own for such a long time."

"Boss they can take care of themselves," Brian tried assuring me.

I shrugged off his assurance, looking the violet-eyed child straight in the eyes as I snarled, "Introductions. Now." A surge of guilt went through me as the child's eyes filled with momentary terror. It took me a few seconds to realize that she wasn't looking at me, but behind me. At the door we came through.

Slowly turning around to follow her gaze, I looked through the window on the door. The same momentary terror ran rampid through my veins as I stared face to face with myself. But not myself.

I stared face to face, eye to eye, with the other me. The darker me. The darker Richard, darker Slenderman. My breath hitched in my throat. Before annyone in that alley was able to move, Slenderman shoved the fire-escape door open and leapt at me.

Some of the girls screamed in terror at the sudden attack. All I could do was watch in horror as the darker Slenderman attacked my boss.

The darker one changed into his actual Slenderman form to gain some form of physical dominance in the fight with Richard, but I watched Richard quickly do the same. The people gathered in the alley backed away from the brawl, everyone there as shocked and confused as I was.

Logan however just stared at the fight with a blank expression. She only moved away if the fight threatened to knock her over. Not amused, but not horrified. I charged in to try and help my boss, but the darker Slender snarled at me and knocked me away. I hit the ground hard, Jinx immediately helping me to my feet. Sound seemed to muffle itself.

Jinx might have screamed Richard's name, but I couldn't know for sure. All I knew was that Richard..... Richard was loosing the fight.

Just as I was loosing all hope that Richard would survive this, his voice snapped me out of my mental trance. "RUN," he shouted, "RUN BACK TO THE OTHERS, TAKE THE RECRUITS WITH YOU!" Richard never retreated. Never told us to retreat. He knew he was loosing.

As he opened his mouth to say something else, the darker Slenderman slammed a fist down right against Richard's neck. An audible snap echoed around the alley as Richard went limp against the ground. I felt Jinx's small hand wrap around my arm as she tried her best to drag me away.

Slenderman stood tall over Richard's limp figure, a wicked and bloody grin ripping across his featureless face. He snapped his head in my direction, letting out a laugh as he changed back into his human form. "We are stronger then you," he told me. As he entered back into the library, he snarled, "Give up now while you're still alive."

Jinx smacked my back a few times, finally able to get me moving as she ran through the streets. I followed close behind her. My mind was racing with thoughts, but at the same time, it was empty.

~Time Skip to hideout~

Brian ran into the building, a group of unknown people close behind him. All my muscles tensed as I growled, "Who are these people?" Brian waved a hand in my direction, panting out, "Safe..... new recruits..... don't attack....."

A few people in the lobby gathered around the new group, including myself. As everyone surveyed the new people, we all noticed something was off about them.

Sally was the first to ask. "Where's Richard?" she chirped from the back. I watched Brian freeze in place.

One of the unknown people walked forward, tears forming in her surprisingly violet eyes as she said, "Richard..... he-..... he's....."

"Dead," Brian grumbled bluntly. "Richard Williams is dead."

(((((Not me who wrote this, give a big thanks to my pal featherstar67 for writing this for me! It took a bunch of back-and-forth collaboration to get the plans figured out, but I think she did a pretty good job at mimicking my writing style for me! What do you guys think? Did you enjoy her take on the story so far?)))))

(((((P.S. I refuse to answer any questions asking if Richard really is dead or not. And I've asked Feather not to answer them either! :) So hah! Love you guys! Hope you enjoyed! Expect some new books to come out soon though! Feather will be updating this book for me as frequently as she can, while I will be working on fabricating and finalizing plans for a few new storylines.)))))

To Remember 3 : The Alternates ( Hoodie X Reader )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt