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Hey guys! So glad to see y'all again (even though I could never actually see you in the first place). So this is book 2 of my PJO7 series! It's got a lot of stuff entwined from book 1, so if you haven't read that, you probably should and if the only reason you haven't read it is because you don't ship Percabeth, then stop reading right now because your an idiot. Anywho, this book is from Piper's and Jason's POV so that's loads of fun. Sorry if I don't really capture the characters essence, I know a lot more about Percy and Annabeth than I do Piper and Jason but I will try my best. Also, I am trying to make this one less freaky as the previous one, because that one had a lot of scary shit going on like sacrificing babies, lots of detailed battle scenes and a whole lot of nasty stuff going on. Anywho, I really hope you guys enjoy this one, it's set in the beginning around the time when Percy comes back (with a short chapter when Jason proposes from about a year earlier) and in the end, everything going on in book 1 is over and this becomes it's own book. It's going to be super adorable (I think) and loads of fun loving stuff. Enjoy the book and comment if you see something wrong but if it is in any way negative, I will haunt you down, and kill your friends and family just like Octavian did in book 1:) Enjoy! -Izzy

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