Chapter 25

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The Seven, Calypso, Nico and Rachel sat in the Jackson's backyard, watching the sun go down. Chris was now 4 and perfectly healthy. Over the 3 years, things really settled down.

Chris, Zoe and Charlie all were in the sandbox playing, Frank was manning the grill, Percy and a very pregnant Annabeth were supervising the kids. Hazel, Nico, Leo, Calypso and Rachel were playing cards while Piper and I just sat watching the scene unfold.

"We did it" she whispered, putting her head on my shoulder. "Yeah, I guess we did" I said with a smile. "This is it".

***THE END. So, short chapter but I literally just put out the last chapter like 10 minutes ago so suck it. Gods, this has been a freaking emotional rollercoaster, I tell ya. I don't even know where to begin, I guess I want to thank all of you for reading this piece of shit and commenting and voting and just in general being awesome. Okay, now I'm crying so I'm going to try and wrap this up. Here is the information for the next book:

1. CALEO IT IS BITCHES! — yes, the next book will be all Calypso and Leo all the time! I can't wait!

2. The first chapter will be coming out in the next few days, the preface is up right now if you want to add it to your library so it will be there when I update.

3. The book itself will be a bit more realistic (well, as realistic as a story full of monsters and gods can be:/)

4. I am looking for covers! If you're an artist or you know someone who is, send me a cover at my kik: ibrooks33

So thats all you really need to know, I hope you enjoy it! Guys, I just really love all of you so much, this book means a lot to me and I want to know what you like about it so do me a favor and comment your favorite part of this book or the Percabeth book.

As always, I love you little demigods -Izzy

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