Chapter 13

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I knew the second Jason got home, that he was going down there. It was something in the air. Something was off. I couldn't face him. I asked when and for how long, he was honest, which I appreciated but some part of me wished he had lied.

Of course, he has done this sort of thing before, leave on some death defying adventure but he always came back, the problem was, this time, there was a very real possibility that he wouldn't.

I wanted to be selfish, I had always been kind and giving to others, putting their needs above my own but for the first time in a long time, I wanted for the whole world to die so I could spare him. It was terrible and I am terrible but I needed him. I needed Jason.

Jason still had his arms wrapped around me, trying to comfort me as he rubbed circles on my back. I tried to control myself, not think about it to much so my stupid disease wouldn't make me pass out again.

I didn't cry, I didn't speak I just breathed him in, I let him calm me down.

Finally, Jason spoke. He pulled away and took my head in his hands. "We may only have two days but that's 48 hours of you and me together. We can spend it anyway you want" he said with a smile.

I grinned and kissed his lips softly. "Anything?" I asked in a coy voice. Jason kissed me again. "Anything" he said with a grin.



The next morning, I went downstairs, fixed us some breakfast and crawled right back into bed with my beautiful wife.

Piper was stuffing her face with cinnamon rolls and eggs. I smiled as I watched her eat. She was just so cute. Eventually she noticed me staring and began eating a little more "lady-like" but to be honest, the pig eating was much cuter.

"So, Annabeth is coming over later to drop off some of her old baby crap so we won't have to buy as much and Leo is coming to set up the baby room" said Annabeth.

I frowned. "I can set up the baby room, it's just painting and putting together a crib" I said. Piper sighed, "You need to go to camp to prepare for your, you know, departure" she said quietly.

There was an awkward silence between the two of us for a long time. I knew Piper didn't want me to go but I had too, it's my job to protect my son and of this is what I have to do, than by gods, I'm going to do it.

I took Piper's hand and squeezed it gently. "There is no way I'm leaving your side for the next 2 days" I said. Piper looked up at me with sad eyes. "You need to prepare" she said. "The only thing I need is to be with you" I said.

Piper shook her head. "No, Percy is setting up a class for those who will be going down there to prepare them in a few hours. The more prepared you are, the better chance you have of making it out of there" she said.

I could see the tears brimming in her eyes. I felt her getting more stressed by the second and I needed to calm her down. I simply nodded.

"Fine, I'll go but I'm coming right back so we can continue with last nights festivities" I said wiggling my eyebrows in a lame attempt to lighten the mood. Luckily, Piper is incredibly horny while pregnant so this calmed her down real quick.

Eventually, I did have to leave. I got into all of my practice gear and headed out.

When I got to the camp, Percy and Reyna were already there in the "pit".

Percy stood in the center, he obviously wasn't happy about going back down there but he knew that having him down there with us was our best bet of getting out of there. I knew Annabeth in particular didn't want Percy down there because he may relapse but Percy was not about to let Annabeth go down there.

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