Chapter 9

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***OKAY READ THIS BC ITS IMPORTANT: So as you might have noticed, I have been setting this story in 3rd Person and frankly, all the other books I've written have been in 1st so I wanted to try something new and suprise, suprised, I hate it so I knew this is totally unprofessional but I am changing the POV to 1st person. I think that the book will be a lot better if I wrote in the 1st person and I just felt that I should give you the heads up so you won't be all confused with the rest of the book. Okay, you can continue reading! -Izzy


I woke up in the hospital bed with Piper asleep on the couch in the side of the room. The last thing I could remember was the Minotar and not being able to break. Did Piper fight a Minotar

all by herself?

"Jason?" said a small voice. I looked over at Piper who was now awake. Piper got up and I noticed a cast on her left arm as well as a few stitches on her forehead.

"What happened?" I muttered. "There was a Minotar. He attacked us. You dislocated your leg and broke a few ribs. You also have a minor concussion but you're going to be fine" said Piper as she took my hand. I nodded, not really sure what to feel.

I was supposed to be the one that stopped these things from happening. I was supposed to protect Piper and my son. "Did you kill it?" I asked looking at the ground. I was ashamed.

Piper scoffed. "No, a demigod was passing through I guess and he killed it. He said his name was Chris but when help arrived, he vanished" said Piper. She sounded worried. I squeezed her hand. "Is the baby okay?" I asked looking back up at her. Pipr smiled. "He's perfect, the doctor said that if you hadn't jumped infront of me when you did, it could have been fatal for the both of us" she said as she rubbed her stomach with her free hand.

I smiled and kissed her stomach. "How long was I out" I asked. "Two days" Piper said softly. I couldn't imagine what that must have done to Piper. Sitting here waiting. I would have killed me.

"When can I go home?" I asked. "The doctor needs to check you out but I think you might be able to leave tomorrow" she said. I grinned. "For now, you should get some rest" Piper said as she kissed my forehead.

"You two, you shouldn't be sleeping on that couch. You need to go home. I'll be fine here" I said softly. Piper shook her head. "I'm not leaving you". I took both of her hands in my own.

"Piper, you need to go home, if not for you, for the baby. Your body can't be stressed" I said with a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine, plus, I'm sure Percy and Annabeth are in the lobby along with Leo and Calypso. I won't be alone".

Piper sighed. "Fine but I'm coming back first thing tomorrow morning" she said.


True to her word, Piper came back the next morning around 8. The doc gave me a quick check up and let me go home but I would be put on bed rest and I'm on crutches for the next week and a half.

When we got home, Piper set up a space for me on the couch so I could watch golf and football so I wouldn't die of boredness.

Around lunch time, Annabeth came over with the kids so Piper would have a break. "What do you want to eat" asked Annabeth from the kitchen. "A PB&J would be sufficent" I said with a smirk.

Zoe gurgled in my arms. She was a cute baby. So happy and lively. She was playing with a toy bird I had gotten for my own kid that was on the way. I looked over at Charlie who was already reading even though he wasn't even three. He was definitely Annabeth's kid.

When Annabeth came in she had my sandwhich in one hand and baby food in the other. "Thank you so much for helping out. Piper needs to stay off her feet and she can't be running around helping me all the time" I said as I took the plate of food while Annabeth lifted Zoe off my lap so she could eat as well.

"Its the least I could do, Piper did some much for me when I was pregnant with Charlie. I mean, you went into war for him" she said as she began to feed Zoe some mashed blue carrots.

"Hey, have you been to camp lately?" I asked.

"Yeah, I went yestarday" she said.

"Has anyone new shown up by the name of Chris?" I asked.

Annabeth hesitated. "Um, there was a guy, he was definitely a demigod but he was different, he talked with Chiron the day you were attacked. Percy went over to thank him for saving you guys but he said that Chris was unfriendly, cold even. He left right after"

I nodded. Piper said similar things. "Obviously, he can fight. Do you think he is a lone demigod? You know, kind of like what Nico was like?" I asked, curious to know about this kid.

"I guess, why do you want to know?" asked Annabeth casually. "I don't know, when Piper told me about him, something was off and she wouldn't tell me" I said as I took a bite from my sandwhich.

Annabeth shrugged. "Maybe he will come back. In the mean time, I put your pain meds on the side table and the number to order pizza next to them incase Piper isn't up by the time dinner rolls around. I have to get going" she said standing up.

She put Zoe in the dual stroller then Charlie before she put all their toys in there. "Call me if you need anything" she said with a smile. "Thanks Annabeth" I said with a wave as she left.

***Short chapter but you'll get over it. I don't really have much to say. Bye I guess -Izzy

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