Chapter 15

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We landed at the enterance of the Underworld. I looked at Chris who wouldn't even look at me. "Hey!" I shouted, heading straight for him.

"Jason, this is not the time" said Chris. "You're my son! You are the thing inside of my wife right now and you're here right now standing in front of me" I exclaimed, in shock. Chris turned and looked at me. "I haven't been your son for 9 years so if you think like you have to act like my father, you're wasting your time" he said.

I stared at Chris, he looked hurt and angery. "Jason, we should go now, we don't have safe passage through here for long" said Nico, stepping towards us. Percy put his hand on my shoulder but I shook it off and we all followed Nico.

The Underworld was as I remember it from many years ago. I went down here on one of my first quests with Reyna. She was all ready a preator and it was almost unheard of for preators to go on quests but she went on this one. We came to retreive a pomagranet seed to bound a monster to the Underworld forever.

Its a little dark, like looking in a cloud. It was like walking through a cemetary, it felt like something was always watching us. I looked at my friends and Chris, all of us looked very out of place, like we didn't belong here. Nico on the other hand, looked very at peace. He definitely felt right at home here.

"I've talked with Bianica, she says its a days ride to the enterance of Tartarus" said Nico. "Ride?" said Reyna. Nico grinned the held out his hands, palms facing the ground beneath us.

Slowly, the dirt began to shake and move around then several creatures rose from the ground. Pretty soon, 5 skeleton horses stood infront of us.

"Uh, Nico, are we riding those?" said Percy. Nico nodded and hopped on the biggest one. "Do you have a better option?" he said already turning around his horse.

"Its just, they are very, um, hostile" muttered Percy. "Oh come on boys, you heard what Zoe said, we don't have a lot of time" said Reyna as she hopped on the next horse.

Percy shifted uncomfortably and looked over to me. "They don't seem to kean on having children of the Big 3 on there other than Hades" Percy grumbled.

Chris scoffed. "Lets see if grandkids count" he said. He walked over to the nearest horse. Slowly, he held up his hand. He stroked the horses fleshless nose. The horse bowed its head and Chris looked over to us. "Get on" he said before doing just that.

I looked over to Percy. I gulped then did the same approach as Chris. I held up my hand and I felt the cold hard surface of its bare bone. It sent chills done my spin as I stroked it, hoping to calm it. The horse "neighed" then bowed its head, signaling that I could ride it.

Once Percy and I both got on our steads, we were off. We rode down the sulfer beaches of the River Styx. Soon, we reached the doors and with the wave of Nico's hand, they opened, allowing us passage.

We rode through the Underworld, Nico leading us down several narrow paths and on occasion, even caves. About half way through the day, we came to a narrow incline in between the mountains of the Underworld.

"This is where I leave you" announced Nico. We all dismounted and the horses sunk back into the ground. "Thank you" said Reyna, clapping Nico on the back.

"Good luck, I mean it" said Nico. I smiled. "Thanks, you too" I said. Once we said our goodbyes, we looked over to our new destination. It looked dark, darker than the Underworld.

I stepped forward, leading the way with Percy by my side. "Okay, its going to be hard to breathe at first but you get sort of used to it" announced Percy. As we got closer, the air got thicker and it was noticably warmer. Pretty soon it felt like 100 degrees. I could feel the sulfer fill my lungs with every breath.

"Lets get this over with" I heard Chris mutter. I took a deep breath and walked through the final barrier.

It led us to a massive cavern, the size of Manhattan. Smog filled the air, heat radiated off the boulders and large rocks. 2 rivers flowed through the cavern to gods know where.

"Welcome to Tartarus" grumbled Percy, his voice laced with hate.

***Okay, really short chapter but get over it. So, kind of off topic but I need y'alls help. -READ THIS BC ITS IMPORTANT- I am going to be writing a new book and I have 2 topics kind of swirling around in my head so I'd like you to pick. #1 sort of a medieval times setting with the princess and the knights and what not with an element of magic which is always fun. Of course there will be romance and war bc I love writing about that. #2 is more syfy. It will be about these 2 friends who travel time and space saving the world. Again, there will be romance and fighting. Its kind of got a Doctor Who sort of thing going on, idk, but I think its going to be good. Do you think anyone would read these? Would you? If you have any suggestions or questions, just comment bc I always answer. Thanks -Izzy

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