Chapter 5

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Jason and Piper spent the whole week in that cave. It was stocked with food and magic bubbles that allowed them to explore the ocean together. It was the perfect honeymoon but unfortunately, they had to leave. They had jobs and things to do. They couldn't stay there forever.

Jason unlocked the door to their house. Piper and him unpacked all of their stuff and headed straight to bed, it had been a long ass day.

Together, they laid in bed in each others arms.

"Jason" whispered Piper

"Yeah?" he replied, turning over to look at her.

"Percy and Annabeth, they are happy right?" she said softly.

Jason's brow creased. He was suddenly concerned for both his wife and his friends.

"Of course they are, they love each other" he said as he reached for Piper. She sighed and stared at the ceiling.

"Whats wrong?" asked Jason as he began drawing circles on her arm with his thumb.

"Their kids, they drive them nuts" she said quietly, almost like she was ashamed to even say anything.

"Of course they do, they're kids. But they love them anyways" said Jason in a calm, reassuring voice.

Piper nodded. "I know. It's just, in the future, someday, maybe, we might have kids. I mean, are we prepared for that? Can we spend all those long hours taking care of another human being?"

Jason took a deep breath. He was walking blindfolded in a minefield. Say one wrong thing and he was sleeping on the couch for sure.

"Pipes, us having kids is years away. I'm sure we will be plenty prepared, we always are" he said trying to sound civil.

Piper nodded then burried herself in Jason's chest without another word.

~The next morning~

Jason woke up to the sound of someone throwing up. He jumped out of bed and ran to the bath room. Piper sat over the toilet retching into the bowl. Jason sighed and held back her hair as he rubbed circles on her back.

Once she was done, she leaned up against the wall. "You okay Pipes?" Jason asked as he put his arm around her. Piper nodded slightly and closed her eyes. "I'll get you some water, are you fine here?" he asked. Piper nodded again.

Jason ran downstairs and got her some water. When he got back, she was throwing up again. He ran to her side and repeated the process. When she finished, she took the water and slowly sipped it.

"Lets get you to bed baby" he said as he carefully picked her up and brought her to the bed. He grabbed a tuper-ware bowl just incase and put it on the nightstand next to a glass of water.

He put his hand on her forehead. "You don't have a fever, did you eat something weird?" he asked but Piper shook her head.

"Alright, I'll call the camp, tell them you arn't coming in today" he said.

After calling the camp, Jason called Percy and told him he might be late for their session.

"Piper? Are you okay with me leaving or do you need me here?" he asked.

"Go, I'll be fine. Probably just something I ate" she said with a half-smile. Jason smiled back at her. "Alright, I'll see if I can get out early today" he said before kissing her then going to camp to go to work.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Piper laid in bed for a good hour before she felt perfectly fine. She walked over to the bathroom and went in her drawer. Her hands were trembling as she took out the little box.

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