It was time for Shinsuke-senpai to be rotated in and serve. Even if they did not manage to get a service ace from this, for the next rotation - Atsumu would be serving next.

Shinsuke-senpai's serve made it beautifully over the net with a loud thump as it was received by their libero. It turned into a chance ball and Osamu tossed it to Atsumu - confusing the Fukurdani blockers with their switch last second and they secured a point. 

Another serve from Shinsuke-senpai, this time their setter dumped the ball - not giving their ace a chance to hit it even though he jumped believing.

Fukurodani's serve after that point was  just a normal serve that barely made it over the net, received with ease by the fox's own libero - Akagi Michinari. Atsumu was there in a blink of an eye and set it over for Ginjima, who broke through the blockers fingers and brought back the ball for Inarizaki to serve. 

Now is where it got interesting: Atsumu serving and Bokuto is in the back line still, away from his setter friend and under the direct line of fire of Atsumu's dual-wielding serves.

The blonde haired twin took his time, relaxing his mind and then jumped for the serve, aiming directly between Bokuto and another player. It was a quick point, a fast service ace, and none of the players made any contact with it.

Atsumu was able to deal out float serve and service aces at random, and each time aimed at Bokuto who failed to receive it. 

He was feeling awful, his spikes were being blocked all the time now in this set, now he can't do the basics and receive a stupid serve. The only thing that stopped him from going into his emo-mode was seeing the manager across the way smile at him. It was nice to know that someone thought he was great out there - Akaashi is probably over him right now and he's taking his team down.

Only, there were no more smiles from the cute manager. 

She wasn't paying attention to him anymore. 

He's not doing a good job, so why would she.

After that stupid blonde's serve was finally picked up by their libero, and Bokuto was able to rotate up to to the front line next to his setter - he had to take charge.



With Bokuto being dejected and wandering around lost on the court for the second set, Inarizaki was quick to take the lead and win the set. 

Going into the third set - they would continue to do the same and keep a healthy margin to win, yet Mayumi did not expect his mood swings to be that great.

It was half way through the third set, Inarizaki winning 17-12, when Fukurodani used their last time-out, and Mayumi's guilt was eating away at her. 

Usually when she uses the flirty-manager tactic, it's on players who are nasty and crude to her and her team. Bokuto was a child in a man's body, with too much energy for him to be so ... sad. 

She could feel the stares on her back from her team as she turned suddenly, making her way to the Fukurodani bench. Players at the bench there gave her weird glances, the coach guiding the players while Bokuto sat off to the side - his soul leaving him.

"Excuse me, Bokuto-senpai?" He thought he died and was hearing an angel's voice, and jumped when he felt her grasp his shoulder. The senpai made him feel useful, having someone relying on him.

"Ah! Mayumi-chan, what is it?"

She had to pause, was she really about to do this and potentially risk her team from winning? An immediate yes echoed in her mind, Fukurodani had been nothing but polite and kind to them - it wasn't a win unless her teammates can gather the strength and overcome any obstacle.

"You're doing a great job, and I miss seeing you spike. Do you think you spike more before the game is over? For me?" Ending it with a gentle smile and a pat on the back, Mayumi made her way back to her bench - giving the owl setter a slight nod as she walked past him. She had a feeling he would be back to his normal self and ready to win more than before.

And what a comeback it was.

After her talk with him, Bokuto was scoring like there was no other game.

The score was now 23-20, in favor of Fukurodani. Not only did they manage to halt Inarizaki's winning streak, but they sat close to the match point to winning the set and the game.

Mayumi knew Shinsuke-senpai and Atsumu wanted answers, she never backed out of her plans. And to go as far as cheering up the other team's ace? That was just unheard of. She was supposed to be cool, calm and collected in the games. Every decision she made for the team had a reason. Every decision was meant to benefit the team. 

But she did not regret what she did. Even as she saw Bokuto soar in the air and take the set for victory, she held no regrets. Fukurodani was simply a stronger six at the end of the day, and nothing she could do would stop that. The teams shook hands and some started to help clean up the gym.

Regardless, it was worth it seeing Bokuto bounce over to her and give her a 1000-watt smile.

"Mayumi-chan, what's your number!! Let's go out!"

Correction, her team was going to kill Bokuto before he could even make it back to Tokyo. 

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