"Promise us we'll have a House to come back to, Maggie." Pansy pleaded.

"Yeah, with you and Malfoy both staying for Christmas without us around to run interference, it could be disastrous." Daphne laughed.

"Come on, give Mags her due." Tracey smiled, "They've been much better behaved!"

"We have been getting on better, I felt bad that the whole House felt so tense because of us."

"Not as well as you and a certain Gryffindor seem to be getting along though." Pansy giggled.

Magnolia paused, what was Pansy talking about?

"Oh yeah! The Weasley!" Daphne exclaimed. "I can never tell which is which, the twins are too alike."

"No, they aren't," Magnolia scoffed, "If you know them well enough, you can tell the difference."

"Uh- huh." Pansy replied, wiggling her eyebrows.


"Why won't you tell us?"

"Tell you what?"

"About your crush."

"I don't have a crush."

"Oh, come on, Mags." Pansy bounced up and down, "Please tell us. I won't even say anything about him being a Gryffindor!"

"You think I have a crush on George?"

"Yes!" Pansy, Daphne, and Tracey all replied, as if it were the most obvious thing.

"We're just friends." Magnolia shook her head, "We just get along well."

"Well, he definitely has a crush." Daphne responded, before the girls moved on to other topics.

A few days later, Magnolia woke up on her own in her Dorm. She yawned and stretched, pushing her sheets back and padding to the bathroom to shower. As she re-entered the dorm, towel drying her hair, she heard a knock at the door and smiled. Magnolia remembered Theo's visit last Christmas morning and had been hoping he would come again. Opening the door, she saw Theo and Malfoy both stood before her, Malfoy holding Kaida in his arms.

"I was wondering where you'd gotten to." Magnolia mumbled as Malfoy passed her cat to her.

Magnolia often wondered why Kaida liked the boys so much, Theo she could understand, but Kaida was supposed to be part Kneazle. Magnolia couldn't understand why Kaida trusted Malfoy so much. She heard the boys follow her as she went to sit back on her bed, cross legged, and started to open her presents. Malfoy almost chocked when he saw the jumper Mrs Weasley had knitted.

As the trio, who were joined by Crabbe and Goyle when they walked into the Common Room, entered the Great Hall for Christmas breakfast Magnolia heard a loud cheer from the Gryffindor table. Looking over, she saw the Weasley's, Harry and Hermione all wearing their own homemade jumpers and smiling at her. Magnolia bid farewell to the Slytherins and joined her brother at his House table.

"Why is it Nola's jumper looks better then ours again, Fred?" George asked.

"Could it be that little Maggie Potter has magically altered it?" Fred grinned with a glint in his eye.

"Our Nola would never do that, would she? It's against the Weasley rules!"

"Or maybe," Magnolia interrupted, "It's because your mother spends more time on mine because she likes me more."

The twins gasped in mock horror, clutching their hands to their chests.

"Did you hear that, George?"

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