Child Trouble

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A few years of Kitty's life passed relatively peacefully. Tali kept her updated on her daughter's process at the Sith Academy and she continued with her Dark Council duties, but nothing else happened.

Then, rather unexpectedly, she found herself pregnant again. Avrria took leave from the Academy, because being related to the Emperor's Wrath and Darth Nox allows for all kinds of things, to come home for a while and meet her new siblings.

There were twins. Kitty soon had a second daughter, Alonnika Katya Revel-Kallig, and a son, Kyssen Alran Revel-Kallig. There were better known as the terror twins though, as they had a tendancy to scream loudly, throw things and, in the case of the force-sensitive Kyssen, attempt to force choke random people. 

They only became more chaotic as they got older, and Kitty spent most of her days dreading the day they learnt to walk. 

They were far from the only worry her children caused her, too. Because soon, Avie was a Sith Apprentice, on the cut-throat Capital world of Dromund Kaas with a Master who, according to the ever-snooping Aayla, should not be trusted. 

Nevertheless, the twins were soon toddlers, running all over Kitty's house. Kyssen tended to use his Force powers to break everything and Alonnika developed a love of stealing. But then, given their parentage, this was hardly a surprise. 

Avrria's fate, on the other hand, came as a shock. Suddenly, she was a fugitive on the run from the Empire, hiding out with Holly and Liya in their criminal backwaters... Kitty was unsure as to how that had happened. 

Aayla blamed betrayal, enraging the Sith beyond belief. But the Agent assured her she didn't have to go insane on anyone, because she was handling everything. Kitty wasn't totally certain of that, and was still sorely tempted to hurt some people for what had happened to her daughter, but she finally decided to trust Aayla. Because if the troublesome twins had taught her anything, it was that sometimes, no matter how much you wanted to, there was nothing you could to to keep your children out of trouble. 

It worked out for the best, anyway. Eventually, Avrria made her way back into favour. She even became a Dark Council member. Just like her powerful little brother. Alonnika wasn't Force-sensitive and was less interested in the ways of the Sith, in any case, but she followed in the footsteps of her father, kept up her stealing habit and became quite a successful criminal in the end.

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