Darth Nox's Weakness: Children

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Kitty didn't start seriously trying to train her daughter again for sometime, having given up and left Avrria to be mischievous with her force powers, and bug her crew senseless.

Her next attempt began when Avrria was six, and, Darth Nox hoped, a little better equipped to understand the lessons.

Right now, the olive skinned child was standing in the middle of her mother's dining room, staring up at Kitty, who was sitting in a huge black armchair, trying to look like a serious, intimidating Sith.

It was very difficult when faced with the big, curiously blinking green eyes of Avie, looking cute and innocent. But Kitari Jinna Zalia-Revel-Kallig-Nox did not admit defeat. Ever.

"Avrria Revel-Kallig, I am going to make a great Sith out of you." The Dark Lady began in a solemn tone, beginning with her daughter's rarely used full name.

The child's widened curiously. "So I can make bigger things fly?" She grinned gleefully.

Behind her dark ancestral mask, the Sith gave a soft sigh and rolled her eyes. "Not exactly." She told her. "But if you get to be as powerful as me, you can make a lot of things fly." She added, in hope of encouraging co-operation.

The small girl considered this carefully and spoke at length. "Alright...What's this Sithy stuff like then?" She enquired further.

A triumphant smirk appeared behind the mask, and the Sith Lady stood. "Allow me to elaborate." She grinned.

As it turned out, Avie did not wish her mother to elaborate, and Kitty's celebrations were too early. After spending the morning discussing the basic principals of the Sith, Avrria had shrugged and told Kitty bluntly. "But that's silly. And danger-y." Though the effect was somewhat dampened by the fact that she had not quite grasped grammar, or 'long' words like 'Dangerous', it was still a frustrating set back.

What did Darth Nox do in the face of such a set back? Quite often, she attacked it, but on this particular occasion, she went to lunch.

More accurately, she dragged her crew around a table and moaned while Ashara tried to program 2V-R8 to cook her favourite recipe, and Andronikos took Avrria to the closest thing Nar Shaddaa had to a park.

"She just doesn't want to fulfil her destiny and further my already great legacy!" The Darth complained to her captive audience of Khem, Xalek and Talos. The three of them, all used to Kitty's whinging, tantrums, and the various other problems of living with a crazed Sith, dutifully nodded and tried to look as though they were vaguely interested.

"None of my Holocrons explain how to deal with this!" The frustrated Sith continued to rant, oblivious to their attitudes. "Nor does my library. My scriptures and tablets are thousands and thousands of years old and they are all completely useless! Have you any idea how much this makes me want to hurt someone?" As she finished off this angry complaint, the Sith slammed her fist on the table, making them all jump.

Andronikos, who had just arrived home and put his head around the door, gave a nervous laugh and backed out again. Avrria, however, ran in and obliviously jumped into Kitty's lap. "Don't worry, mummy, whatever Sithy problems you're having will go away, I'm sure." She smiled and hugged the raging Sith.

This was not the kind of problem Darth Nox was used to. You couldn't shoot lightening into it. You couldn't stab it. What could she do?

In the end, the Sith just sat there and put up with the cutesy hugging business. Maybe the Sith stuff would be easier to sort out than she had thought. She didn't know any more.

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