A Small Sith's Birthday

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Sith shouldn't organise birthday parties, but no one who wanted to keep their head would have attempted to explain this to Darth Nox when her daughter's birthday rolled around.

Avrria Revel-Kallig was turning six, and her mother, Kitty Zalia-Revel-Kallig-Nox was already in over-zealous planning mode, arranging a huge party at her house. She got up as soon as the slightest slither of light dared to peek through her bedroom curtains and promptly woke everyone else in the house up too, shaking, cajoling and shocking her crew into doing various tasks to 'help'.

Since she was attempting to arrange a 'surprise Sith party', she had dropped Avrria off at a friend and relative's house the night before. Fellow Dark Councillor Mayrina Talon had promised to return Avie, without any trouble, to Kitty's house when she came over for the party that afternoon.

However, Kitty had failed to consider one tiny detail: Sith don't do anything 'without any trouble', especially not May. Although, to be fair, May was trying to be a good aunt to Avie and treat her on her birthday, so when the small Sith woke up and had had breakfast, May offered to take her on a 'fun flight'. Nodding her head eagerly, Avrria sealed the deal, and May sat her in the seat beside her own pilot's seat.

"Right," The Twi'lek Sith began, "I'm going to show you some special fireworks, and they're pretty cool, but don't go telling your mum, okay?"

Avie frowned, her dark brown eyebrows furrowing in confusion, "Does mummy not like fireworks?" She enquired, blinking innocently.

May laughed, "Oh, she does, she just doesn't want you to watch them."

At that, the child pouted, "But I want to!"

Grinning, May pushed some controls, "That's what Auntie May is here for!" She told Avrria, who giggled and held onto her seat as they shot forward, going into Lightspeed. When they finally stopped, they were in Republic space, approaching a fleet of small shuttles bearing Republic markings. All this was fortunately lost on little Avrria, until May hit another button.

A flurry of rockets whizzed from the ship's weapons and hit the unsuspecting ships in quick succession, causing several bright, booming explosions. The Lethan Twi'lek cackled, and the child beside her imitated the laughter, clapping her hands at the display. "Can we do that again, Auntie May? Please? It's so cool!" She cheered, grinning over at May, her green eyes wide and pleading.

"Sounds fun, let's blow up some Republic scum...I mean some pretty fireworks!" May nodded, awfully cheery for someone causing explosions. She piloted the ship around a little way until they came across some more ships, keeping Avie entertained for a few hours, before the alarm she'd set on her chrono bleeped.

"We've got to get back now, Av, or we'll be late and then your mum's going to yell at me, or something equally terrifying!" The Sith Lady commented casually, spinning her ship back around and smacking the Lightspeed control again, taking them back to the orbit of Nar Shaddaa, where Kitty lived.

"Well..." Avrria pouted slightly at her home planet out of the window, "Thanks for the fun birthday present, Auntie May! I'll tell mummy not to yell at you." She answered in a serious tone, causing more amusement from May.

"Well, thank you for that offer, I'm sure it will make all the difference," The Twi'lek Sith smirked, her sarcasm slipping past the child, "But that wasn't your birthday present, I have another present for you!"

Avie jumped up out of her seat, "Really? What is it?" She practically squealed, already excited after the morning's festivities. May responded with a big smile, grabbing her hand and leading her to the cargo hold, where a cage was sitting in the corner. Inside sat a Loth-cat kitten that was tiny, adorable and...Spitting angrily at them.

The small Sith bounced up and down eagerly. "You got me a pet? Mummy wouldn't get one for me 'cause she thinks I'm irresponsible." She told May, before bending down and peering through the bars. The kitten slashed at her, but only hit the metal.

"Funny, it reminds me of her." May commented cheekily.

Avrria laughed, then jumped up again and wrapped her arms tightly around the older Sith's legs, "Thank you!" She smiled.

"You're welcome!" The Lethan woman patted her head. After all, Kitty's face when they arrived at the party with the small aggressive cat made the trouble of acquiring it more than worth it.

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