Little By Little

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  Amerah honestly had no idea that three of them would be there. She didn't know they even knew Brandon and Andre. Now that she did know she thought now may be the best time to try to make things right with Emma. She's been on her mind nonstop. However, in order to make it work with Emma she had to be on at least speaking terms with her girlfriends. Amerah tried her hardest not to let her eyes roam up and down Emma's body. She looked sexy as hell as Harley Quinn.

  "Right so... can we go somewhere else?" Cyn asked as she grabbed Emma's hand. The blonde nodded.

  "Wait." Amerah said. She took a deep breath and swallowed the imaginary bile that threatened to make its way up her throat at her next words. "I just wanted to say..." she stalled. The three of them all stood there staring, waiting for her to finish whatever she was going to say. "that I uh.. I'm sorry."

"What?" Delilah asked. In all the time she knew Amerah, she'd never known her to apologize.

"I said I'm sorry to you guys. . . all of you." She straightened her posture and folded her arms. It was become extremely uncomfortable to her now. "I guess I shouldn't have just shown up the way I did. It was inappropriate to say the least."

"You guess??" Delilah asked. "It was extremely inappropriate. You kissed my girlfriend!"

"No." Amerah shook her head. "She kissed me."

Delilah rolled her eyes and started to pull Emma away from this annoyingly persistent woman.

"Wait wait. I'm sorry. Not the point." Amerah said and she grabbed Delilah's shoulder to stop her from walking away with the woman she really wanted to talk to. Emma stared at her hand on her girlfriend's shoulder. Amerah quickly removed it and held the palms of her hands out in a show of surrender. She didn't want any problems.

"Then get to the point. Quickly, Amerah." Emma warned. She wouldn't tolerate someone, especially her, putting their hands on Delilah.

The irrational part of Amerah's mind got excited hearing Emma say her name so sharply. Mistress. She cleared her throat and shoved those thoughts away. "The point is I was wrong and I'm sorry. Forgive me."

  "No." Delilah said then she walked away with Emma right behind her.

  Amerah clenched her jaw and watched them walk away before realizing Cyn was still there staring at her. It was ironic that the smallest one bothered her the most. Probably because she had the spot she longed for. "Yes?" She asked.

  "What game are you playing?" Cyn asked. She didn't like Amerah. She didn't like the things Delilah told her about the past. She didn't like the way she barged into their lives. She didn't like the way she tried to manipulate Emma. However, Cyn did believe people could change. She saw it every day with her brother. Her heart was too big to not at least hear what Amerah had to say and she hated herself for that.

  "I'm not playing any games." Amerah slid by Cyn and poured herself a drink. She's was entirely too sober to be having a conversation with her replacement.

  "Then what do you want?"

  Amerah swallowed the shot and closed her eyes as it burned her throat. "Emma." When she opened her eyes Cyn was staring at her angrily. "Not like that. I just really miss her. I want to be her friend if she would let me. If... you and Delilah would let me." Amerah poured herself another drink.

  Cyn stared at the woman in front of her trying to get a read on her. She wanted to know how sincere this all was. She stepped closer to her so there was virtually no space between them.  "She's mine."

"I know that." Amerah huffed.

"My girlfriend. My Mommy. She's never going to be yours again." Cyn's eye contact didn't waver. She needed this woman to know how serious she was.

"Cynthia." Amerah sighed. She couldn't lie, the fire in the shorter woman's eyes made her a little nervous.

"Do you get that?" Cyn asked. "I need to know you understand."

  Amerah's eyes narrowed and the corner of her lips twitched with jealousy. "Got it."

  Cyn took the cup out of her hand before Amerah could take a sip and drank it. "Good because you had your chance. You blew it." She sat the cup down and smiled. "Good luck. Bye."

  Amerah watched as Cyn gleefully skipped away from her. Was that her way of saying she had her blessing? If Delilah was the only thing standing in her way to Emma she might as well forget about it. She would never see Emma again.

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