Lovey Dovey Drama

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(Reader's POV)

It was a stormy day and so Herbology class was canceled. I was seated by the window ledge in the Marauders' room. They sheltered me here whenever I need to keep a distance from those snotty girls who abandoned me earlier in the year. I thought over the events that happened earlier in the day

Stephany had finally told Sirius and I ,her plot. We rushed in the Great Hall to see Peter and James happily chatting away about whatnot. We tapped them on the shoulder and they turned to face us. We whispered in their ear what Stephany had opened up about and their eyes widened. They stood up, James doing so more dramatically by hitting the table. This caused everyone's eyes to be on us. Everyone... except Remus. He was eating quietly, deserted by everyone. We approached him and tapped him.

"Yeah..." Remus sighed, "Come to attack me, I know.".

"No, no, not that." James shook his head urgently.

"You're just coming here for help, but once I help you, you'll just desert me. Isn't that right, Potter?" he frowned.

"Not that either." I said.

"Come the brag about you relationship with Sirius?" he mumbled.

"Remus, will you listen!" exclaimed an exasperated Sirius.

"Whatever, spit it out." Remus said, stirring his tea lamely.

"We found out about what Stephany did to you." I said.

"You... you actually listened when I told you to ask the git?" Remus said, shocked that I actually listened to him.

"I felt sorry for you... WE felt sorry for you." I pointed between Sirius and I.

"We're really sorry Remus..." Peter said in remorse.

"Would you... would you like to be back in the Marauders group again?" James asked hesitantly.

"Of course I would!" smiled Remus, which had been the first time since he was snapped back into reality.

We walked happily towards our next class, explaining what stupid Stephany had done. We embraced Remus in a bone-breaking hug, which said without words, "I'm sorry.".

After the flashback ended, I sat up straight, and realization hit. Now that I was dating Sirius, what do I do with Remus? I thought that Remus would be able to handle it so I shrugged the thought off.

~*Time skip brought to you by Wormtail's whiskers*~

(Remus' POV)

I sighed. I was in the library and I couldn't focus on my studies. My heart was heavy and I knew that I shouldn't be sulking on this, it won't change anything. Y/n is with Sirius and there is nothing I can do. I can't just steal Y/n away from Sirius. It's not fair for her. I decided to not study in the library as I felt very alone in here. I climbed up the stairs to the Fat Lady portrait when I bumped into the Hogwarts gamekeeper, Hagrid.

"Hullo, Remus." he greeted in a jolly voice.

"Good afternoon Hagrid." my voice was very mopey.

"Somethin' seems to, eh... bother ya?" Hagrid asked, patting me with his great big hand.

"I guess." I shrugged.

"Wanna tell me what is goin' on?" Hagrid asked kindly.

"Uh... it's fine. Kinda personal..." I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Well if ya ever need someone to talk to, just owl me or cmon' over!" he chuckled merrily, "Have a good day, Remus!".

"You too, Hagrid." I waved.

I walked into the Fat Lady portrait where I saw her, talking to a man from another painting. He had paid her a visit and I heard a rumor that the pair liked each other. I saw them smile with heart eyes at each other and it brought me sadness as I thought about Y/n again. I quickly muttered the password and the portrait opened into the comfy common room. I raced upstairs into my dorm room. I didn't know if anyone was there because I immediately rushed into the bathroom.

"Remus!" I heard a girl voice call.

I recognized that voice in less than a millisecond. Y/n. I was making a fool of myself in front of my biggest crush.

"Yeah?" I said, trying to keep my voice as stable as possible.

"What's wrong?" she asked patiently.

"Nothing is wrong. I just needed to go to the toilet urgently.

"Ok." I heard her say, but she sounded a bit suspicious.

I heard a light thud but thought nothing of it.

Once I tidied myself up, I exited out of the toilet and saw y/n sitting outside the toilet. So that's where the thud came from.

"Y/n?" I asked.

She stood up and looked me in the eyes.

"You were crying." she said softly.

"I wasn't!" I lied.

"Remus, I can tell the difference between when a person is lying and when they are telling the truth. Don't try me." she said, crossing her arms.

"Ok, whatever." I rolled my eyes.

"What were you crying about." she asked calmly.

"Um... it's super personal." I made sure I didn't look her in the eye.

"Super duper personal that you can't even tell your best friend?" she sighed.

Best friend. Best friend. Best friend. Those two words kept being chanted in my head. Best friend. Best friend. Best friend. Nothing more, that's all she thought of me.

I didn't realize a tear had fallen from my eye. She wiped it away gently and I blushed. I started crying a lot more, feeling that she wouldn't judge me for this. She hugged me and I continued crying all the emotions out. Then I heard the door open and I saw the three other boys enter. When they saw me, a great big weeping mess, they dropped their things and ran over to hug me too.

"What's wrong Moony?" James asked.

"Personal." I heard y/n whisper.

"Oh ok..." Peter said, hugging me tighter.

(Reader's POV)

My train of thought was interrupted by Remus, but he was way more important. He was my best friend, after all! However, while hugging him, it gave me time to think. Do I still love Remus... or has Sirius stolen my heart?

Remus' Marauder 1 (First Taste of Mischief) ~Remus Lupin x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now